Jalalabad Association of South Jersey’s Organizes a huge Iftar Mahfil 12 April on Wednesday, 2023 in Al- Hera Mosque in Atlantic City, NJ

2 min Reading by Citizen Journalism

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Jalalabad Association of South Jersey organized huge Iftar Mahfil in Alhera Mosque on 12 April, 2023. There are almost seven hundred people were breaking with name of Allah. It was most precious time for Muslim community it was the time of Magfirath (Forgiveness )

on behalf of Jalalabad Association president Amirul Islam tofi thanked every body for coming and enjoying Iftar together. He also requested to pray for two sickl people Jinun Chowdhury and Ruhul Chowdhury. Besides that Abusaeed(#Saeed for council ) Atlantic 4th ward council said to the Iftar Mahfil

” I urged and requested every body to support and vote for him and decide this holy month to vote right people, He also ask Allah for accepting Iftar”.

As a guest, community all leaders were presents there specially, Zohirul Islam Babul president of Bangladesh Association of South Jersey, and Shahid Khan president of Bangladesh Association of Atlantic county. president Obaidul Chowdhury Al – Hera Mosque others leaders of differents organizations; particularly thanks Bob and Dona on behalf of local 54 for attending this holy event .

Finally ,Imam Azim Uddin finish Iftar and pray to almighty for forgiveness and best rewards. After Iftar dinner also provided to participants.

Jalalabad Association of New Jersey organizes “Pitha Uthshob” on 27 February 2019 at St.Joseph Resort in Atlantic City.

A Pitha Utshob takes place at St. Joseph Resort on 27 February 2019, in Atlantic City.

The cold day people love to have the warming -up mouth-watering the Pitha which one is Bangladesh’s tradition. In this purpose, the Sylhet community arranged the “Pitha Uthshob” and got together with family, and friends at St.Joseph Resort, in Atlantic City February 27, 2019

 Delicious Pithas

There were a number of people present in this event and they shared Pitha and proved the beauty of women’s creation in this event.

However, there were the Plenty of homemade Pithas presented the festival by the Sylheti women as well as they displayed the Pathas, they were an artistic, aesthetically beautiful and delicious and unforgettable memory. Besides that, an unexpected number of people gathered there approximately more than 120 people!

As a result, comparing other Program the “Pitha Uthshob” it might be noticeable in the entire city.

Perhaps, the program made a history of the Sylheti community and the Pitha Utshob definitely has already been added in their yearly agenda! The Uthshob enhanced fun for kids after the organizer had given them enormous toys.

Finally, they served the dinner for all spectators, particularly Mohamad Ali and Joyonta sang a few numbers of songs from the Sylheti favorite lists. Those Songs gave entertainment for the participants.

Participants  in Pitha Uthsob

Most importantly, they gave the gift for the Pitha makers, in other Words, the women were awarded their great creation.

The President of Jalalabad Association of this Utshob:  Mojibur Rahman Shoaib & the secretary Saeed Duha including others committee members of the  Uthshob Mr.Abdus Subhan, Sabur Mia, Siraj Uddin, Syed Shahid, Shafique, Akhlakur Rahman and so on , they expressed their gratitude for making the program fruitful.

Additionally, among the advisers, Tofi Islam, Ferdous Islam, and Sohel Ahmed, Shah Alam Osmani and Mohammad Ali and so on  . Especially all of them have given their full

energy and dedication to make this program memorable. Other members were also present among them  Ashik, Zitu, Shah Alam, Sohel Islam, Sujel, Rukon, Zia, and Zohinor, Shah Alam, Sirajul Islam, Ripon, and so on.

Finally,  considering the kid’s school time, they finished the program by the 11PM and it was praiseworthy for maintaining the time sense and follow-worthy for the entire community. 

 All In all, Everybody thanked for maintaining perfect timing and all wish, it would be continued and returned in the future with a different flavor.

Don Guardian declares Atlantic City’s Mayor Candidate for Next Term.


Don Guardian Declares the Next Term Mayor Candidate for the Atlantic City.

By: Subrata Chowdhury, Kak Atlantic NJ Correspondent & Contributors Saeed Duha, Florencia Bertucci, Associate Editor the  Kak Atlantic.

 The incumbent Mayor Mr. Don Guardian declared the next term  Mayor candidate for the  Atlantic City, in city hall yard, on Thursday, March 16, in 2017,  

Bangladeshi American Republican leaders,  with Don Guardian, Photo: Subrata

huge number of people gathered in the meeting, with clapping and greeting people appreciated the Mayor Mr.Don Guardian candidacy for City mayor again.  It’s mentionable that he is incumbent Mayor and a member of Republican Party’s  running Mayor’s office last four years. the Journalist and writer  Subrata Chowdhury also delivered his rhyme articulated Speech in this re-elect campaign.

Regarding to the review  of the  Mayor Don Guardian, Mr. Razaul Islam Khalid, the president of Bangladeshi American Republican, addressed his speech and spoke about this, “I appreciate Mr. Don Guardian  as a second term candidate because for the  bailing out of   Atlantic City  economic recession, he took bold decision for Atlantic City due to that  I am strongly supporting him, he is worthy candidate for the  upcoming city Mayor’s  election.

In contrast, Vice president of the Bangladeshi American Republican, he thinks the Atlantic City unemployment and economic instability recoveries are possible only by  Don Guardian. Furthermore, the General Secretary of the Bangladeshi  American Republican, Mr.Suman Mazumder thinks,  Don Guardian was along with  Bangladeshi community either in our good time or bad time.  Thus, we would like to see Don Guardian the next time as well Said, Suman, that “wishing his success”

IMG_6814 (5)

In addition, Bangladeshi community leader and a well- known community face Mr. Aminul Islam Tofi said, that “Don Guardian worked hard for our Atlantic city’s economy,  as a result, now we are getting returns slowly, by the way, if we  like to get immense, steady outcomes, we must want to see  Mr. Don Guardian as a Mayor of  the Atlantic City second term, as well.Finally, all supporters and Republican expressed their firm commitment to work and win of upcoming the  Mayor election.

21 Feb. “International Mother Language Day Celebration at Atlantic City

Contributed by Mr. Saeed Duha, The Editor, The Kak Atlantic & Mr. Shobratha Chowdhury, The Kak Atlantic, New Jersey Correspondent. Date: Feb.2017
Bangladesh Community Center Organizes International Mother Language Day with giving flowers on the Shaheed Minar as a respect of the martyrs on Tuesday at 12.A.M on 21 Feb. in 2017 at Fairmount Ave at Atlantic City in New Jersey.

International Mother Language Day

The Atlantic City Bangladesh Community center at Fairmont Ave was full of crowd and Bengali poems and songs sounds were flying on the sky. The Shaheed Minar was   looking like an exact Bangladesh flowers were spread all over spaces. In other word, with a dynamic look and love of Language had been bought in New Jersey. Different Organization gave flowers on behalf of their Organizations they are following; Bangladesh Association of South Jersey, Bengal Club. Atlantic City Press Club and American Lion’s Club of Atlantic City and South Jersey State BNP also,The Kak Atlantic an English Newspaper deeply consented their respect to Martyrs who sacrificed their life for the Language.

At the beginning of the Program the President of Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Mr.Zahirul Islam Babul,delivered his speech and welcomed everybody for participation.  Besides that, others speakers are, trusty board Chairman Mr. Abdur Rafique, Mr. Gias Uddin Pathan , the Secretary of  Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Mr.Nurun Nobi Shamim,  Mr.  Seikh Amin and Mr.Rahman Babul. Mr. Shamim mentioned in his speech “21 Feb. taught us, “Bangali do not blow their  head to anybody”,

The cultural in program especially the songs of the close- up singer Mr. Rajib Votra charjoo and the genuine singer Mr. Mustafa Kamal Bengali lyrics voices had driven all of the audience in the heaven of Love to language, this was mesmerizing. In addition, the recitation of different poems was mind blowing! The reciters are Mr.Kazi Liton,  Mr.Aminur Rahman,Mr.Shubrata Chowdhury Mr.Tapon Ray and Mr.Saeed Duha, their contribution  made Mother Language Day pretty fruitful .

Close-up Singer Rajib on Performance 

Finally, they severed the dinner and closed the program wishing all of Community members participation future program in this Community center regardless of political views. Especial thanks and credits has been given to Mr. Rahman Babul and Mr. dedicated organizer Mr. Kazi Liton for making the (Ekushe) 21 Feb celebration program amazing. Overall, it was unforgettable like a Ekhushe – song, “Amar vaiyer Rokte Ranganu……”

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of New Jersey State celebrates 81st birth -anniversary of the President Ziaur Rahman in Atlantic City with Munajath and Discussion.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of the New Jersey State celebrates 81st birth -anniversary of the President Ziaur Rahman on Thursday on 19th January in Atlantic City with Munajath and Discussion.

By Saeed Duha ,The Kak Atlantic New Jersey Date:01/21/2017

Bangladesh Nationalist Party of New Jersey State (BNP) celebrates 81st birth -Anniversary of the President Ziaur Rahman on Thursday on 19th January in 2017 at Mr. Steak Restaurant, the Atlantic City in New Jersey with Munajath and Discussion program.

Bangladesh Nationalist party New Jersey State on the stage for 81th Birth -anniversary of President Ziaur Rahamn

The program was launched in reciting from Holy the Quran by Mr. Mawlana Tajul Islam. Next, they played Bangladesh  and American national Anthems and showed respect by standing few minutes in the program  . Many members and activists were presence in this program.The leaders expressed their deep condolence for the ruling party Awami league  who grabbed People’s right of Speech and the right  of procession , public are afraid off involving any sort of party activity and everywhere opposition  party are oppressor, the most innocent victims are public especially BNP’s leaders and activists in different ways. The speakers addressed  in speeches that President Ziaur Rahman had the leadership quality and he was an authentic patriot and all BNP activists must follow his quality and his  his son   worthy leader Mr Tareq Zia , too.

Standing with the respect of the National Anthems Bangla & USA

The Speaker also said, that Awami league want to remove the President Ziaur Rahman name  from the Bangladesh even  from the tiny village name was Zia Nagar , they want to change this name  heinously as well. But Zia is a personality who won the people’s heart and they can’t erase his name from Bangladeshi People’s heart because people loved him, vowed  him  and accepted him whole -heartedly  as an ideal & unquestionable  leader.

A part of meeting

Mr .kazi Liton Said , “Sheikh Hasina’s Son name is Joy   if they want to remove the President Ziaur Rahman name, they must remove joy’s name first because  inside the Zia  name has Joy as well ( if  it takes off Rsho-Ikar and Ekar from Zia name it  left only Joy ) in Bangla alphabet , thus they must remove joy name  too!In the meantime, BNP two group was celebrating the President Ziaur Rahaman’s 81th birth -anniversary  same city , Our Reporter Spoke  and asked boldly to  the BNP of the State New Jersey Secretary Mr. Rahman Babul about grouping of the Party into the State and asked question about it, he mentioned ” We hope they will work soon together and others members will understand it “…..

Rahman Babul Interview

Watch the Interview and other’s group Interview click link:




Members and Leaders delivered their speeches in the 81st  birth -anniversary of president Zia’s.There were most familiar faces of the BNP  in the program, they were Mr.Mohammad Zohirul Islam Babul, Mr.Ferdous Islam, Mr.Kazi liton , Mr.Nannu, Mr. Aminur Rahman , Mohammad Mustafa Monir .The program presided over by the President  Mr. Mahbubur Raham Chunni and presented by  Secretary Mr. Rahman Babul  the BNP New Jersey State.

Finally, with praying for the army general President late Ziaur Rahman’s soul who declared the Independent of Bangladesh and the program was ended with serving the dinner.

BNP of New Jersey State committee celebrates 81th birth -anniversary of the President Ziaur Rahman on Thursday on 19th January in 2017 with declaring the BNP Jubodol New Jersey State committee in Atlantic City .

BNP of New Jersey State committee celebrates 81th birth -anniversary of the president Ziaur Rahman  on Thursday on 19th January in 2017  with declaring the  BNP Jubodol New Jersey Sate committee in Atlantic City .

By Saeed Duha & Subratha Chow. The Kak Atlantic New Jersey Correspondent, Date 01/21/2017 

BNP new Jersey State Committee Celebrates 81th birth anniversary of President Ziaur Rahman  

BNP of New Jersey State committee celebrated the 81th birth -anniversary of  the  President Ziaur Rahman  and  was declared the  BNP Jobo Dol new committee    in  Atlantic City By New Jersey State committee President Mr.Sayed  Zubair Ali at the Gourmet Restaurant at Atlantic City , In New Jersey .The Atlantic City Celebrated the anniversary of their party leader and ex- the 7th president of Bangladesh with discussion and Munajath in gathering several activists at Gourmet Restaurant with festive mood  at Atlantic City, in New Jersey .


BNP New Jersey State Committee Declares New Jersey  State Jubo Dol

They invited few guests BNP activists,members and leaders from the North Jersy and the BNP members  and leaders were presence in the discussion and  a number of members and activist enlightened the program with their presence .With the presentation of Secretary Mr.Sayed Kaisar the  program was running smoothly .They talked about the roling  government’s ‘s Awami League  oppression  to the BNP activist and leaders especially,  the they want to remove   Mr. Ziaur  Rahman name from the Bangladesh . But Mr. President  Ziaur Rahman was pioneer leader in establishing true Democracy in Bangladesh  “he had honesty and Patriotism for the country “. Said Founder President of New Jersey  State BNP  Mr.Zubair Ali . Speakers mentioned that the All members should follow him and his model Tareq Zia  as rule model in this crisis  of  the party.


Members in Program .


Many leaders and members delivered their speeches on the program ,they were   Mr. miraj Khan , Vice President BNP State committee Mr Mohammed Salim , Jamal Husain , Abdul kalam , M. A Karim and  Mr.Seruzzaman , Najrul Islam Akash  , Tajul Islam Tanzim and so on

Our Reporter spoke with Mr. Sayed Mohammed Kaisar the Secretary of BNP New Jersey State Committee about division of  the party in Atlantic City due to the other group was celebrating same program Mr. Steak Restaurant  and the reporter asked rigorously why is this  division? and does it impact the party leadership? Mr.Sayed  Mohammed kaisar said , “Others members will understand  their fault  and we work for the  President Ziaur Rahman Political ideology  he hopes  other  will work us soon …..”

Watch Interview: Sayed mohammad kaisar (If you want to watch   another  Secretary Interview click the link):

Finally, BNP New Jersey State Committee declared the BNP Jubo Dol  for New Jersey State. The committee  was declared by Mr. Sayed Zubair Ali  Committee members are following ,1.president Zamal Hussein 2.Secretary Najrul Islam Akash 3.Vice President Emdadul Hoque 4 Vice President:Jabed Ahmed  5.Organizing Secretary:Khaled Ahmed Shiplu 6.Joint Organizing Secretary: Fokhruzzaman  7.Joint Organizing Secretary :Kamruzaman 8.Joint Secretary : Ebadur Reza Chow. 9.Joint Secretary Md. Seruzzaman . and Vice present Kutub Uddin  they mentioned that the rest of the Committee members  name will be declared later on.

With the new post all members were excited and finally they finished the program with serving dinner at Gorement Restaurant.

The Dhaka Grocery Inaugurates Its Grand Opening in Atlantic City.

By Subrata Chowdhury NJ, The Kak Atlantic Correspondent and Kak Desk Mr. Saeed Duha

The Dhaka Grocery launched its Grand Opening with a commitment of giving the reasonable price and the best Customer service to the Community on Wednesday, January 04 in 2017 at 2929 Atlantic Ave, at Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The Dhaka Grocery was inaugurated by the Mr. Don Guardian the Mayor of Atlantic City, He expressed his appreciation for its entrepreneurs to come forward to taking challenge in this circumstance and Mayor hopes that all owners will achieve their goal by serving the customers’ demands. Besides that, at the beginning Mr.Mawlana Tajul Islam performed the Munajath for the Dhaka Grocery  in Inauguration program with all Guests , customers .

Owners and Guests with Mayor Don Guardian

Mr.Fedous Islam one of the owner of the Dhaka Grocery said, “the purpose of our Initiative is to give the Daily commodity  a reasonable price”.

In addition, another owner Mr.Moniruzzaman Moni said,the goal of our Grocery to give the  best service for Bangladeshi Community and this neighborhood in Competitive market”.



Moreover, another Entrepreneur Mr. Sohel Ahmed said, “buy own Country’s product and be proud with it, they started Dhaka Grocery with this slogan as result, they are getting a huge response from the community”. Furthermore, they are expecting more cooperation and appreciation from the Community in future.


Dhaka Grocery it has has been decorated for Grand Opening

There are Fresh Vegetables, Fishes, the chickens all daily necessary staffs are available in Dhaka Grocery for Customers.Community’s people deserve that  this Grocery might treat with them better and fill their requirements properly.



Happy New Year in 2017

Happy New Year in 2017

By Saeed Duha

The Editor, The Kak Atlantic, Date : 01/01/2017

We has passed another year and we are stepping in seven digit with a new hope as big as the sky, the boundless dream, and  a handful aspiration for achieving the next year goal because it is 7 it is a symbol Good luck!

Whatever you  are planing for next year ,we are wishing all the best forthcoming  year in  2017.Today we spoke with Ms.Konel ,She is a professional  Uber driver and came all the away Philadelphia to  Atlantic City ,  she embraced her joy and  a gigantic hope with a crown of Happy New Year on her head . That was so pretty and it is  inevitably and   worthy for celebrating new Year Eve  . We wish for her  a great  success and the  sustain happiness for next year.


Another Hip-hop American, Mike he also adorn himself  an unique crown on his head it was  absolutely terrific and attractive .We also wishing for him all the best for his life in 2017.

Now I am wishing for my Community those are reading our Millennium  an Initiative and a tiny  endeavor  with the support of all Community leaders, members and good wishers  the regardless of religion , region or political views  we only, must stand for the Community .



Happy New Year Happy New year Happy New Year in 2017


It is notable that the Atlantic City few  dedicated Journalists  have been striving, working  to  gather the Community news and inform us  continuously,so  their generosity and love for Journalism and community are beyond description ! I am  so grateful to them due to their priceless service  from the highest point of my respect ,vow  and gratitude to them.They are  Mr. Akber Hussain , Mr. Mohammad Khan Babul   and Mr. Subratha Chowdhury  . Dear Journalists ,good luck for  all of you and wishing  a Happy  as well as prosperous  New Year in 2017.

We are also expressing our gratitude  and wishing the very  best for the New Year in 2017 for all community  Leaders on the behalf of the Kak Atlantic as many as we remember -they are, Mr.Shamim Chowdhury , Mr.Zohirul Islam Babul,Mr. Ferdous Islam, Mr.Kazi Liton , Mr.Tanim Rahman ,Mr.Sayed Kaysar , Mr.Sohel Ahmed, Mr.Rahman Babul,Mr. Tofi Islam , Mr.Salim Sultan, Mr. Abdul Hakim, Mr.Farook Hussain , Mr.Chunnu Chowdhury , Mr.Shohid Khan,  Mr. Mohammed Ali,  Mr.Golam Hafiz ,Mr. Milton. Mr. Gias Uddin Pathan , Mr Salim , and so on .  Again, Hoping and assuring  The Kak Atlantic will contribute for the betterment of our Community in 2017.

Note: I I forget anybody name, I am apologizing for  that, and this is inconvenience and without Intention .





An Annual General Meeting Holds by the Geeta Songo in Atlantic City.

An Annual  General Meeting  Holds  by the  Geeta Songo in Atlantic City.

By Shubratha  Chowdhury.The Kak Atlantic, New Jersey Correspondent & Kak Desk Mr.Saeed Duha


The Sree Sree Geeta Songo joint an annual  General Meeting on Tuesday 20 Dec. in 2016 the Hindu Community’s own Office at Atlantic City, in New Jersey.


The meeting was chaired by  Mr.Biplob Boron Dash and the program was presented by Biplob Day. The program was discussed different issues, including the previous years the activities, spending and forthcoming planning in details.

With the consensus of all members Mr. Kanchon Chowdhury was selected as a president and Mr. Suranjith Chowdhury Milton was selected as a Secretary,Mr. Shantipod Dash as a Treasurer  for the next two years. Later, they will also designate others positions of the  new committee . Moreover. Mr. Rathon Shan presented last year’s income and spending in the General Meeting , all members  accepted his description cordially.


 Besides that,Mr.Kanchon Chow. Mr. Diponkor Mitro  Mr. Shamol Ray, Mr. Uthom Dash, Shuranjith Chow. Milton , Mr.Biplob Dash , Mr.Kanchon Ball, Sahntipod Dash, Ponkojpal, Prodip Day, Mr. Badol Mohajan, Mr.Ovijith Chowdhury and Mr. Shorup Votra Charjo and so on  delivered their Speeches .



Bangladesh Association of South Jersey awards for the best Pitha Makers in Atlantic City at Bangladesh Community Center

Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Celebrates Pita Uthshob and the  Victory day simultaneously on Tuesday, Dec.27 in 2016 at Fair Mount Ave in  Bangladesh Community Center.

 By Mr.Saeed Duha and Mr.Subrata Chowdhury, The kak Atlantic, New Jersey  Corespondent .

At the very beginning Pitha Utshob Venue was  occupied only few of  the enthusiastic competitors. After an hour later, surprisingly the Community Center was over crowded with viewers’ traffic. The program was so enjoyable with songs, Riffle draw and Bangladesh Association of South Jersey  were giving high credits for the best Pitha makers.

Pitha Uthshob , Competitors are  in Que

There were the Pita Uthshob and the Victory  day both were  celebrated coincidentally.  The most amazing  a tough part was selecting the best Pitha Architects  among  the  competitors .The Pitha Uthshob adored with variety of Pithas , the competitors  designed  and  gave their love to make it delicious and beautiful in other words the terrific . In addition , It was mouth watering felling the program took back all audiences at the Nostalgia of childhood’s memory and  set back  immediately the mother land  toward in Bangladesh . The competitors tried to represent their culture and Bangladeshi typical tradition on  the shape of  Pithas.

 In contrast ,  It was  delighted and   found  an ample   hope and a great satisfaction the reason that  a few  young  School going students also,  took part  as a pitha Makers , one of them Tareen Jahan, She spoke with our Reporter,  “sharing this Pita is  represent a part of our culture ..”

Pita maker Interview

Another young 9th grader pita maker  she  said, it exposes our culture and our culture is not something shameful , rather  it is worthy to show others as proud.” Check  Video :9th Grader Pitha Maker


At first,  Bangladesh Association of South Jersey  authority  scheduled the festival by designating five Judges  and handed over the  responsibility   for making  a decision  about the  best Pitha Makers among the competitors, The Distinguished five Judges were;

1. Mr. Gias Uddin Pathan 2.Mr.Faruk Hussain 3.  The community’s   famous Journalist Mr.Akbar Hussain  4. Mr.Saeed Duha 5.Mr. Mir Hussain Heaven.The  honorable Judges scrutinized all competitor’s pithas by taste and observation  their  decoration ,outer look over all , its beauty.  Even though,some of them were unparalleled  to explain in a words , they made the Pita with flag as well as a map of Bangladesh from their bottom of   heart , It was amazing and speechless!


There were 16  hard working Competitors , Ms. Nasreen , Ms.Rowshon Uddin , Ms.Zamila, Ms . Parveen, Ms.Tareen, Ms.Jamy, Ms.Sharmeen ,Ms. Shibly ,Ms. Monowara Begum, Ms.Tanjina , Ms.Lamisa, Ms.Dilruba Begum, Ms.Shanaj Begum, Ms.Kobita and Ms. Marium Ali .

Finally ,the distinguished  judges came in the tough decision with individual marking process  the result was  appreciated by all here it is,  Ms.Parveen Akther beat all of them and she won the first prize with her architectural Pitha designed  with  “Bangladesh  Map.”The second prize winner was Ms.Tanjeem and the third prize winner was Ms.Morium  Ali for her yammy and tasty  Pitha.img_1495

After that the most attractive part of the Pitha Uthshob  was Riffle Draw. Next, the three Pitha  Uthsob winners picked up the   Riffle draw winner  in randomly, and the Bangladesh Association of South Jersey members  handed over the  cash prize for lucky three  audiences.

The program was more audiences centered because  Mr.Rajib  the close up singer  and local Community’s Singer Mr.Niladri Shekhor songs’  gave audience a good shake of rhythm in life as well as  the  viewers were  running 4,000 miles  away  in shake of an affection for  the  cultures.  Moreover, the Pitha Uthshob organizers, the Bangladesh Association of South Jersey, the President Mr.Zohirul Islam Babul talked with our Correspondent said , that ” the main purpose of the  Pitha competition is, gathering community and showing our cultures and traditions  for new generation and we are going to the   education  project for next time .

At the end , the Pitha Uthshob ended with  a future hope and a dream of competitors  to see it again and let them try soon.