Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of New Jersey State (Supporter Group) celebrates the National Revolution and solidarity day in Bangladesh Association Building at Atlantic City, New Jersey

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of New Jersey State (Supporter Group) celebrates the “Jatiyo Biplob o Songhoti Dibosh” 7th November, in 2018  at Atlantic City, New Jersey.

By The Kak Atlantic  Saeed Duha, November 8,2018

In the beginning, Mr. Kazi Liton  Program started by calling on stage the convener, Mr. Sohel Ahmed who was presiding over this program.  After that, Mr. Kazi Liton called upon the  Stage following BNP members, leaders with his organized presentation they were; Mr.Zohirul Islam Santu, Nasir Uddin Sikdar, Freedom fighter Mr. Ahsan, Aminur Rahman, Shanur Nanna, they also call on stage the Chief Adviser Azizur Islam Ferdous, Mohammad Ali, Mr.Ayob,, Mr. Tanim Chowdhury.

New Jersey BNP State and Supporter group 

The event launched by playing Bangladesh- American national Anthems and the BNP’s party song also was played.  In the meantime, All Members congratulated Md Farook Hussain who is first Bengali elected school board member and he expressed his gratitude for elected him as a representative of the community.

After that, Mr.Aminul Islam Tofi delivered his greeting speech on behalf of Supporting group. Mr.Mamun Spoke and reminding for the major Ziur Rahman contribution.

Convener and Shakawath on stage 

Beside them, other speakers were, Mr. Shakhawat Hussain, Ayob spoke strongly about the leader and Bangladesh BNP Atlantic City division and response for this mechanism between the party. Mr.Aminur Rahman also delivered his speech for urging Khaleda Zia’s free from jail. Mr.Shanur Nanna, Gias Uddin Pathan, Ferdous Islam also spoke the meeting for the party to stand and work from the USA to strengthen BNP in Bangladesh and BNP must win next election.

It’s notable that, Supporter group also Prayed for BNP famous  Leader Mr.Tarikul Islam soul who just passed away a few days ago.

 Particularly, December 19, in 2018, on Wednesday supporter group invited all to celebrate the  Victory days by arranging drawing competition for kids and other arrangements. Few quate from Meeting 

Zohirul Islam Santu founder member of Atlantic City BNP  mentioned “free of speech is absent in Bangladesh and Just supporting  BNP no doubt you will be jailed. He urged to join all members in a group no separation in this crisis moment.

Finally, the president of this program Mr.Sohel Ahmed thanks for coming this 7 November “Jatiyo Biplob and Songhai  Dibosh, it is a remarkable day for BNP and Bangladesh and He said that support group always values every member who works hard even they never want to sit in chair and the position, but only they love, follow the BNP ideology  as the soldier of  President Ziur Rahman”

Finally, They served own cooked dinner which was cooked by Mr. Zinu, Ayob, Shakawath, Sohel Ahmed and so On.  Few participants from the meeting were praising this food loudly, It was delicious food.


Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) New Jersey State,(South )celebrates the “National Revolution and Solidarity Day” at Taco Restaurant, in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party New Jersey State,(South) Organised the Biplop o Songhoti dibosh, at Taco Restaurant, in Atlantic City

By Md Kaiser, the  Event Representative &  Saeed Duha,  The kak Atlantic, November 8, 2018



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BNP New Jersey South leaders 

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) New Jersey State (South) organized a meeting at Taco Restaurant, in Atlantic City and demanded ex-prime minister Begum Khaleda Zia the free from jail in zero condition The Program was presided over by local BNP Leader Mr.Syed Kaiser Shahin and program was presented by Mr. Rahman Babul. Addition, The Program was distinguished in being present a number of United States BNP  leaders and members.  The Following guests spoke and influenced members, leaders, activists and urged to help Bangladesh extremely victim of oppressed your BNP Members and an activist from the United States and others foreign countries BNP’s Lovers to help them by all means. Because the  BNP is the high victim of the heinous political target by  Autocrat prime minister Sheikh Hasina government. As a result,  ruling government pushing activists, leaders into jail promptly and filing hundreds of cases against all BNP activists. The chief guest was Mr.Zillur Rahman Zillu, Ex-United States BNP secretary, a proud  Sylhet division’s  BNP Leader, he also spoke strongly about & November 7, memory. 

BNP New Jersey South 7 November meeting
Invited guests with New Jersey BNP State (South) Members and leaders 

Another guest Mr.marshal Murad, a founder member of Bangladesh Chatrodal in the center student union. Besides them, Mr.Golam Farook Shahin also spoke in the meeting, who was the United states BNP ex-joint secretary and JESUS committee’s  International member. Mr. Ebad Chowdhury spoke, who was the Vice-president New York State BNP and founder president the Srimongol BNP, Sylhet.

Members, Leaders, and Activists of BNP New Jersey South

On the other hand, others local BNP’s leader’s members, organizers, and  activities also delivered their speeches among them; Mr. Mohammad Ali, Gias Uddin Pathan,

NJ state BNP Vice-president Mr.Selim, NJ State BNP jubodol secretary Mr.Akash, BNP jubodol ex-secretary Didar, Miraj Khan, Member Md kaiser and so on. All of them spoke against torture, oppression and locked up the tradition of Bangladesh BNP’s members, and leaders in the current situation by the Sheikh Hasina Government. There are  few quoted from their speeches

 “The 7th November is remarkable because people of Bangladesh got the freedom of speech ( now is totally absent )  said  Zillur rahman, ”  another speaker mentioned “Lady killer Sheikh Hasina putting all members in jail, Marshal marshed demanded Khaleda Zia should be  free  from the jail without condition ,immediately and next prime minister will be Tarek Zia”.

After the program, they also served traditional dinner to participants.


Mr.Farook Hussain a Candidate for Atlantic City School Board

Md Farook Hussain runs for the Atlantic City School Board.

Mr. Farook Hussain is running for Atlantic City School Board, he urged all voters to stand for him and vote for him. We the Kak Atlantic Podcast show ” On Wednesday Asian American” with Saeed – a program we talked to him and  to the Local Community journalist The  Kak Atlantic  Representative Subrata Chowdhury :

listen to our podcast : our new Podcast Show:  On Wednesday Asian American with Saeed.

Today Guests were: Mr. Farook  Hussain & the Journalist Mr. Subrata Chowdhury with Saeed  the editor “the Kak Atlantic”  Listen & click the link:  “⇓

On Wednesday Asian American

Farook Hussain has been working for the local 54 for a long time and he is well known to the Democratic Party politics on behalf of the Asian especially Bangladesh community , here he was asked why do you think you are the best candidate for this education board?  his replied that  he has been working for this city local labor rights, he has two kids one 6th and another  one is the 2nd grader, so  now he wants to work for children education .

We wish all his good luck . In contrast, we also talked to the Journalist Subratho about Farook Hussain and he asked for voting Mr.Farook Hussain to elect him as a school board member.

Besides, Asian the community; he has a good connection with others community that will be a positive  point for Mr.Farook Hussain. Even though few of them raised a question that he hardly works for the community, In fact, as a  community member everybody ought to steps forward to working for him.

All the best Mr.Farook Hussain on Behalf of the Kak Atlantic.

Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Enjoys Music Night in Bangladesh Association Building, at Fair Mount Ave, Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Bangladesh Association of South Jersey organized the music night on October 30, 2018, at Fair-mount Ave, in Atlantic City.

By  The Kak Atlantic Staff Reporter, November 1, 2018


At the very beginning, the famous singer Mr.Shantonur Voulik sang the song for the tribute of the famous  Bangladeshi singer,& the Guitar Guru Mr. Ayub Bachu’s song along with a number of songs from notable singer Hemonto; there were a few lyrics-  Dip chilo shikha chilo ….  Kofi Houser Adda to Aj ar Nai….and so on. The music night gave a great fun for the first time in the Bangladeshi community in a cold atmosphere.

Singer  Shantunur Voumuk on Stage 

Besides, singer Shantunur Voumik, another local singer Mr. Mustafa also sang and played a  few songs and shook up viewers’ hearts immediately with music and melody pulled all of us its own cultural nostalgia for a while.

In the music event, Farook Hussain a candidate for the School board announced his candidacy and asked for the vote to elect him as a school board member. After that, the president of the Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Mr. Zohirul Islam Babul also spoke and urged for helping an Association. In addition, Mr. Abdul Mozumder spoke about graveyard (Koboroshan) this committee initiated a project for the community’s graveyard and asked for the donation & participation.

Viewers in Music Night

Despite having the cold night, the crowd was satisfiable and all of them went home with a full of joy, love by listening to songs, plus deep inner relaxation. All Viewers always demand this sort of entertainment on behalf Bangladesh Association of South Jersey.


Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country Organizes & Shares its Income & Expenditure in Publicly about Bangladesh Mela October 23, in 2018, at Mr. Steak Restaurant in Atlantic City

Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country organized & shared its incomes and expenditure summary about Bangladesh Mela (fair)on Tuesday on October 23, 2018, Mr. Steak Restaurant in Atlantic City.

By The Kaka Atlantic Staff Reporter, Friday, October 26, 2018

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In the beginning, the meeting, Mr. Sohel Ahmed started the program by giving thanks for supporting the Bangladesh Fair with all of the member’s hard work and efforts and the fair had been run successfully as a result, it was a remarkable fair in Atlantic City.

After that,  the meeting participants prayed for the committee member’s relatives especially Mr. Forhad Hussain’s and Mr. Shahid Khan’s mothers’ sickness and they wished their quick remedy and good health.

 Committee  Members  & Participants  in Meeting 

However, participants shared positive and negative sides of last Mela arrangements, following people explained their point of view and thrown couple recommendations on the table explicitly: they were Mr.Sheikh Salim, Ms.Rawshan Ara, Jayanta Saha, Mr.shimul  Mr.Jahan, and others also talked about their experiences to Strengthen its future event.

Besides that, others members also joined the meeting as they were the observers and for knowing, exchanging others point of views including the income and expenditure of the last fair.

From the committee personnel, the President: Shahid Khan presided over the meeting and the Secretary: Mr. Sohel Ahmed spoke and presented the notes of the meeting and the Treasurer: Mr. Aminul Islam Tofi shared the summary of the fair’s cost and earnings. It’s notable that The Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country showing its transparency regarding Bangladesh Mela which was held on August 1, 2018, it should be exemplary for all community organizations.

In the discussion in the meeting, members asked and pointed out to “the journalists to write responsibly for the showing of community’s activities and keep going forward, and definitely, the  Bangladesh  Association of Atlantic Country will keep their support for the journalists” said few of the speakers on the meeting. Others members were: Mr.Sabbir Ahmed,Ratan Bhattacharjee, Santino Sen, Abul Hussain, Abdul Zamil,Habibur Rahman, Ms.RawshanAra,Ferdous Islam,Kanchan,Ahsan Habib,Samsul Islam Sahajan,Shaikh Salim, Abdur Rab,Sayed Kawsa, Biplob Dash, Sumon Mojumder,Abdul Hafiz, Sohag Karim, Biplob dev, Anzum Zia (Pakistan),Milton Chowdhury and so on.

However, Akbar Hussain, Mohammad Shahin, Subrata Chowdhury, Shimul including the Kak Atlantic representative all journalists were present that program.

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President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Committee members on stage the  of “Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country”  Meeting

Finally, Aminul Islam Tafi the Treasurer presented the total expenses and earnings, it was following Total income (was) :$22,000 Expenses :$11,325. In Future, they wish to provide more activities for the community and everyone demanded to arrange a permanent place for the Bangladesh Association of the Atlantic Country its own.

Finally, the program was ended by serving a dinner. In fact, the Bangladeshi Community looking forward to having more programs like the last country’s Mela and an inclusive program among the community organizations without dividing and blaming each other best luck for Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country on behalf the kaka Atlantic.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City

 “Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“. Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a … Continue reading “Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City”

 Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“.

Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City

At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a Bouquet of flowers. The few members and leaders of  the BNP south spoke on the seminar including HM Reza, Gias Uddin Pathan, Didarul Islam , Mosaddik Mawla,  Mohammad Ali, Abdul Monsur Atta, Mr. Arik, Babul , all of the speakers expressed their sorrow for the absence of democracy, human rights and freedom of movement in Bangladesh . they mentioned “Ilegal ruling  government in this circumstance, we need another freedom fight to bring back our the golden democracy,  other mentioned “the ten years of Awami League poor governance, torture it’s now ending time” it was  mentioned by the  Atlantic City devoted BNP leader Mr. Muhammad Ali, BNP3

During the discussion they emphasis Sheikh Hasina the UN 73th General Assembly meeting who is coming along with a number of activists to New York, BNP activists and leaders strongly urged to protest, stop her and show the world the Awami League torture and poor Governance, human rights violence is worthless for the country.

Among the others guests  speakers were following:  The Chief guest was: Dr.  Sowkat Ali economist, educator, he delivered his attractive  speech for the BNP, USA and  Atlantic City activists, Special guest- was the famous   singer Baby Naznin, Convener: Mr.Sayed Mohammad Kaiser, he deliberately raised his voice that “we must want the democracy, human rights and fair election for all Bangladeshi peoples it’s our immigrants demand” .

Besides this,  others leaders of BNP south delivered their speeches, they were  the US BNP  Secretary Mr.Kamal Pasha, Mr. Babul & Ex Khaleda Zia’s APS & Mr.Tarek  Zia Press Secretary: Mr.Ashik Islam also spoke to the seminar and asked the immigrants communities to the entire US to support Bangladesh BNP activists, leaders In Bangladesh and step down the Awamwlague ruling from the power immediately. Furthermore, the leaders of their states were present and spoke along with others, they are; Ex-student leader: Shah Farid, Pennsylvania BNP, Mr.Rahman Babul who presented the entire programs with different quotes.BNP AC

After discussion they served dinner and pleadged to march to New York for showing the world  Prime Minister Hasina is violating human rights, robbing money and people suffering in injustice and the poor democracy crisis destroying Bangladesh, BNP always fights for the people, democracy and good the democracy.


Empowered Youth Brings a Pride for Atlantic City – Community fromthe United Nations the 67th Youth Conference on August 22, in 2018

“Empower Youth Empower Future ”
Youth Leadership Initiative Atlantic City

“Empower Youth- Empower Future” 2018

Students  joined   the  67th  UN DPI 

Conference on August 22, in 2018 

IMG_4500 (1)
Youth Leaders at  United Nations
IMG_4510 (2)
Youth Stands For Human Rights

Empower Youth Empower Future” students joined the UN DPI 67th conference on August 22, in 2018. Now they are a part the Youth Declaration for SDGs in 2018 which has been declared by Roundtable Meeting and Workshop on August, 22 & 23, in New York, United Nations  Headquarters by 67th Conference. Click Link :

Youngest Spoke UN Conference :

Youth Interact with Expertise Fahiya

Following students participated on the behalf of the Atlantic  City by the rigorous selecting process, its called Talent Hunt ” Empower Youth Empower Future” 18.  Moreover, 8 students have represented our talented youth to the global prestigious platform to the United Nations.

On the other hand, they joined a number of Youth Workshops and Roundtable meetings with diverse gathering there were more than 100 countries representatives, expertise.   Additionally, They shared their ideas and views on climate change, poverty, education, multilateralism, particularly Youth leadership.   Thus, the expertise, scholars from the different panel did they not only compliment their opinions but also praised their new idea and envision.

AC Students UN Conference

However, the Students are guided by two interns Ms.Laura Santos, Ms.Suravi Islam & Saeed M Duha the Editor of The kak Atlantic. It’s notable that the Last 11 June in 2018 they Selected 10 talented students among 30 inclined, proud participants lists through in open selecting process which it has been taking place last for two years.

Finally, the best 6 of them joined and talked about the following issue on 22 August, the global platform United Nations  Headquarters. The theme was: “We the peoples: Find Global problems Global solutions“.The chair of the Conference was Ms. Winnie Byanyima Whois Executive Director of Oxfam International NGO and Another special guest was Ms. Jackie Biskupski, Mayor of Salt City, Utah, the USA  has invited  to all the next conference   in  the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City is hosting this event, It’s the first time out of United Nations a conference taking place in the United States.

The kak Atlantic, vision with the empower youth program that half of the world’s 7.6  billion people are under the age of 30. Therefore it’s time to engage the youth folks on the global issue and find a solution by youth brainstorming because their solution is sustainable for everybody and future.

However, the UN authority and media were very impressed with our brilliants , youngest students opinions, innovations  which they shared their media an   exclusive points on the education has been rose by Sakif Islam, Fahiya Ahmed, besides that others topics are the health, the human rights and climate change and poverty and Youth leadership  a tweeter and videos on UN Sides:    :  IMG_4604

Our  brightest Students are

1. Inzamamul Haque: Human Right 

2. Mardiha Ahmed : Youth – Today leaders

3. Purvi Islam : Topic: Youth -Today Leaders

5. Sayed Mahi Sharear Topic: Climate change & Prosperity: His summary- Article of  his own experience:

6. Fahiya Ahmed Mahi: Topic : Multilateralism 

7.Sakif  Islam Topic: Education is  Human rights for all:

Laura Santos and Suravi the Kak Atlantic interns also joined the conference for helping, preparing and drafting Attain-tees students and particularly guiding them properly.

Moreover, The SDG expert of Soul Sustainable Progress ( SSP) Kristine talked and took pictures with our representatives and she praises their all efforts. 

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Students, Guardian & SSP SDGs Expert Kristine

With the name of The Empower Youth –  Empower Future programs ( Leadership) was organizing since 2017  The Kak Atlantic Online Newspaper with the partner  the United Nations’ Migration & Refugee Organisation  the “Soul Sustainable Progress” (SSP), 

Finally, our community youth – leadership brought a great pride for all community members and parents, guardians regarding this  AC community is so excited about this event and they desire to continue it.

This Leadership program organizer the Kak Atlantic Editor Mr. Saeed said,  “We would like to elevate our community’s youth-leadership in the global level, as a result, they will absolutely contribute their community,  forge global local problem and find the global problems effective, sustainable solution an innovative and impactful way “

Hope next Program we can accommodate more students in inclusion with guardians to the global foundation United nations.

Thanks, students, all well-wishers, and guardians for coming forward and supporting this initiative for the betterment of World.

Registered for Next Year 2019  Fill Out This Form Please

AC Youth Leadership to The United Nations Augst 22, in 2018

“Empower Youth- Empower Future” 2018 Students  joined   the  67th  UN DPI Conference on August 22, in 2018

IMG_4500 (1)
Youth Leaders at  United Nations
IMG_4510 (2)
Youth Stands For Human Rights

Empower Youth Empower Future” students joined the UN DPI 67th conference on August 22, in 2018. Now they are a part the Youth Declaration for SDGs in 2018 which has been declared by Roundtable Meeting and Workshop on August, 22 & 23, in New York, United Nations  Headquarters by 67th Conference. Click Link :

YoungeStudent Spoke to UN Conference :

Youth Interact with Expertise Fahiya

Following students participated on the behalf of the Atlantic  City by the rigorous selecting process, its called Talent Hunt ” Empower Youth Empower Future” 18.  Moreover, 8 students have represented our talented youth to the global prestigious platform to the United Nations.

On the other hand, they joined a number of Youth Workshops and Roundtable meetings with diverse gathering there were more than 100 countries representatives, expertise.   Additionally, They shared their ideas and views on climate change, poverty, education, multilateralism, particularly Youth leadership.   Thus, the expertise, scholars from the different panel did they not only compliment their opinions but also praised their new idea and envision.

AC Students UN Conference

However, the Students are guided by two interns Ms.Laura Santos, Ms.Suravi Islam & Saeed M Duha the Editor of The kak Atlantic. It’s notable that the Last 11 June in 2018 they Selected 10 talented students among 30 inclined, proud participants lists through in open selecting process which it has been taking place last for two years.

Finally, the best 6 of them joined and talked about the following issue on 22 August, the global platform United Nations  Headquarters. The theme was: “We the peoples: Find Global problems Global solutions“.The chair of the Conference was Ms. Winnie Byanyima Whois Executive Director of Oxfam International NGO and Another special guest was Ms. Jackie Biskupski, Mayor of Salt City, Utah, the USA  has invited  to all the next conference   in  the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City is hosting this event, It’s the first time out of United Nations a conference taking place in the United States.

The kak Atlantic, vision with the empower youth program that half of the world’s 7.6  billion people are under the age of 30. Therefore it’s time to engage the youth folks on the global issue and find a solution by youth brainstorming because their solution is sustainable for everybody and future.

However, the UN authority and media were very impressed with our brilliants , youngest students opinions, innovations  which they shared their media an   exclusive points on the education has been rose by Sakif Islam, Fahiya Ahmed, besides that others topics are the health, the human rights and climate change and poverty and Youth leadership  a tweeter and videos on UN Sides:    :  IMG_4604

Our  brightest Students are

1. Inzamamul Haque: Human Right 

2. Mardiha Ahmed : Youth – Today leaders

3. Purvi Islam : Topic: Youth -Today Leaders

5. Sayed Mahi Sharear Topic: Climate change & Prosperity: His summary- Article of  his own experience:

6. Fahiya Ahmed Mahi: Topic: Multilateralism 

7.Sakif  Islam Topic: Education is  Human rights for all:

Laura Santos and Suravi the Kak Atlantic interns also joined the conference for helping, preparing and drafting Attain-tees students and particularly guiding them properly.

Moreover, The SDG expert of Soul Sustainable Progress ( SSP) Kristine talked and took pictures with our representatives and she praises their all efforts. 

IMG_4537 (1)
Students, Guardian & SSP SDGs Expert Kristine

With the name of The Empower Youth –  Empower Future programs ( Leadership) was organizing since 2017  The Kak Atlantic Online Newspaper with the partner  the United Nations’ Migration & Refugee Organisation  the “Soul Sustainable Progress” (SSP), 

Finally, our community youth – leadership brought a great pride for all community members and parents, guardians regarding this  AC community is so excited about this event and they desire to continue it.

This Leadership program organizer the Kak Atlantic Editor Mr. Saeed said,  “We would like to elevate our community’s youth-leadership in the global level, as a result, they will absolutely contribute their community,  forge global local problem and find the global problems effective, sustainable solution an innovative and impactful way “

Hope next Program we can accommodate more students in inclusion with guardians to the global foundation United nations.

Thanks, students, all well-wishers, and guardians for coming forward and supporting this initiative for the betterment of World.

Registered for Next Year 2019  Fill Out This Form Please

Register The 2nd “Empower Youth Empower Future” Program in 2018

Fill Out This Form Please

The Kak Atlantic Inviting All community Students to register the  Forth Coming  Event The  2nd “Empower Youth, Empower Future” Program In 2018


The date of the Program will be informed Shortly in Atlantic City, the deadline of Registration is June 25, in 2018  and We highly are urging all community leaders Adequate support and inspiration as last Year all of you spontaneously did, Including, parents, community leaders, and Atlantic City authority as well.

Any information Please Contact: Laura Santos, Saeed, Suravi or Kaiser, Phone/ Text: 609-665-5330

Please share it with your friends, Community, and family, we are looking forward to engaging and inspiring our beloved kids.




Bangladeshi Community enjoys Bangladesh Mela at Atlantic City & The Kak Atlantic celebrates its one year anniversary on Wednesday 16 August 2017, at Sandcastle stadium with huge crowd

Bangladesh Mela August 16,2017
Bangladesh Association Of South Jersey

Bangladeshi Community enjoys  a  Giant Bangladesh Mela at Atlantic City & The Kak Atlantic celebrates its one year anniversary on Wednesday 16 August 2017, at Sandcastle Stadium with huge crowd

By Saeed Shams Duha & Ms.Florencia   The kak Atlantic Editor & Associate Editor   August 20, 2017

Bangladesh Mela, organized by the Bangladesh Association of South Jersey, was especially important students awards, certificates, Cultural program, Rifle Draw, and shopping typical dresses and having Deshi food in Bangladeshi Environment. It was enlightening with many guests like American, African American and Latin American visitors and viewers from the diverse cultures that lifted up the Bangladesh Mela’s as a pride.

Bangladesh organized by Bangladesh Association of South Jersey

The event had among their guest speakers the Atlantic City   Mayor Don Guardian

 Assemblyman, Chris Brown, and Mazzeo, the Democratic candidate for Atlantic City  Mr. Frank Gilliam, and others community representatives almost all praised Bangladeshi food, culture, and people and they were delighted to join & share this important event.

The Kak Atlantic Representative spoke with few students who got awards & Certificates in the Bangladesh Mela :

  1. Fariha Rahman
  2. Arivana Khan
  3. Sadia
  4. Ishrat

The Mela organizing committee was very active and dedicated this year, which members are the  Convener Didarul Alam (Dulal), chief member, Mr. Rahman Babul, Mr. Rafique, Gias Uddin, Tanim Chowdhury, Kazi Liton, Shah Noor Nanna, Shakhawath  and among others members. It is praise worthy initiative for president Mr. Zohirul Islam Babul because only one Mela gave specialty and empowered to Bangladesh Association of South Jersey 

The Mayor of the Atlantic City Mr. Don Guardian, and Democratic Mayoral Candidate, Frank Gilliam, delivered their upcoming election campaign speeches  Mela was noticeable for entire AAtlanticCity because this  Giant Mela had been gathered almost 6,000 people.

Huge Viewers
Bangladesh Mela Riffle Draw winners

The cultural program always brings new things every of this was Ms.Tusia Islam, a little girl that performed a typical dance, as well as Oishik, Sharda, and Shiba, school girls they presented a group dance, it was a very special attraction of the day for all viewers directed by  Ms. Nibedita Bhattacharjee, a choreographer from the community.

But the most awaited part of the event was, for sure, the Raffle draw, which tickets selling were under the command of  Mr.Nanna, Sakhawat and  Mr. Zinu .Raffle Draw Tickets  This year  Mela Committee gave seven prizes among the winners, some of which were a round-trip plane tickets from Dhaka to New York, a 51″ television, sponsored by Dhaka Grocery,  a 32″ television, given by  the Old is Gold and refrigerators among other prizes that were handed to the lucky winners.

All in all, the entire Atlantic City Bangladeshi community had the opportunity to really feel like they were in Bangladesh for a while and back home, with its unforgettable memories and loved ones.

We spoke with Secretary of Bangladesh Association Mr. Shamim Bangladesh Association South Jersey Secretary: Secretary of Bangladesh Association Of South Jersey

Bangladeshi people hope that the Bangladesh Mela would gather more and more visitors every year and Bangladesh Association of South Jersey would add more events for making the Mela more diverse and inclusive for the entire Atlantic City.

During the event, The Kak Atlantic was also celebrating alongside with Bangladesh Mela, Because one year ago, that same day, The Kak Atlantic Newspaper was born to publish what mainstream media wouldn’t: the community’s culture and traditions through young people to the American people. This was the main purpose of The Kak Atlantic, which most important aim is to Inform, Empower and Entertain our community.

We Spoke Two FamousJournalist:: Subratho Chow & Mohammod Ali Khan Babul 



This newspaper is committed to contributing the Atlantic City community in a way of thanking them for all the support and cooperation they’ve given since it was created and is looking forward to getting involved with United States universities going students. We would like to work continue about providing youth leadership the community.

Paul Spoke about The Kak Atlantic Leadership

A Young Council  candidate Mr. Paul speaks about young Leadership On The Kak Atlantic Anniversary & Bangladesh Mela


young students Spoke about Mela :
