South Jersey Hindu Community protests against Hindu attacks in Bangladesh

South Jersey Hindu Community protests against Hindu attacks in Bangladesh

 By  Shuvratho Chowdhury, Kak Atlantic  New Jersey Correspondent, & English translation Kak Desk,  Duha.   Nov.16,2016

              South Jersey Hindu community took part a protest  against Hindu  oppression and vandalizing   their temples  in Bangladesh  on Nov.15 ,2016 at Pomona in USA..

     The protest was organized  by Jagoroni Cultural Society  Inc. and they expressed their condolence and deep heartfelt sorrow  against  looting ,assaulting  and spitting the noble temples including recently  happened  in  Nasir Nagar and Gaibandha  Sawtal polli .

                  They mentioned in the protest , few heinous people are indulging in conspiracy to demolish long run  religious bonding  and brotherhood realation  in Bangladeshi traditional culture .They strongly  urged for suspending Animals Minister  for his unprecedented speech.

                   There  were most of the  Hindu community people including Mintu Ray, Uttom Chow. Liton Dhor,Aumullo Chow. Pijush Chokroborti, Shampa Chok. Runu Dash Gupta, Babu chow.Ram sharkar, Shila Pal, Joya Ray, Shenti Sharkar, Gowtam Nag and Shuvratho Chow. and so on.                  

Women Protesting   Hindu attacks in Bangladesh

  They demanded exemplary punishment for the culprits  and those are assaulting Hindu community in Bangladesh .

                                   They are concerned about , Despite of the Prime Minister warning , how come, people dare to attack Hindu community in Bangladesh? The speakers uttered that spreading out rumor in social Media in religion  , a hatred  portion of   society   wants to  influence religious violence in Bangladesh .

                                 Above all, They strongly urged  punishment for those  committed  attacks, Vandalizing temples   . In spite of having  cold weather , Hindu community of  the south Jersey  gathered a protest  including children . Continue reading “South Jersey Hindu Community protests against Hindu attacks in Bangladesh”

Bangladesh American Lions Club of Atlantic City celebrates an Inauguration ceremony of the 2016-2017 new Committee at St. Joseph Resort Hotel, West Atlantic City,New Jersey

By Shuvrotho Chowdhury, Atlantic City

(Translation’s Courtesy to The  Kak Atlantic Desk)

           Bangladesh American Lions Club of Atlantic City gathered for an Inauguration ceremony  of new Committee for 2016-2017  on Nov.09, Wednesday evening in 2016,  at St Joseph Resort Hotel , 8029 Black Horse Pike in West Atlantic City, NJ 08232.

           Program was  honored by the present  of  the Chief guest  Lion Bob Freidel, District Governor 16L, The Special guests were Lion Kara Schnure and  the Lion Aurthor Orsi , Chair in zone #6, their speeches highly enlightened the program.

        At the beginning , Lion Tanim R Chowdhury handed over the presidency for the Successor Lion Kazi Liton and his team , new committee  Secretary , syeda khanom and Treasurer is Israth Jahan.


IMG_8737 (1).JPG
women’s Lions with Tradition Bengali Sharees

            There were more than 90-95 people  took part the  program and the singing ,dancing and cultural event  amazed every audience’s heart  deeply.

A talent singer Ispita Tamjid Priyotee sang the stunning and a romantic English song ; Little do you know ( Original song by Alex & Sierra) . It was highly praiseworthy  and Two other creative  little girls  Voumik & Onamika  dancing performance was mind-blowing, as well. The other singers were  Moonmun and Chondhon chowdhury,their Singing  gave song’s – lovers the real ecstasy and they shook them out for an hour . In addition  a romantic poem was recited by  Atlantic City’s famous Reciter Shuvrotho Chowdhury .

            On the other hand , the former all  lions president’s presence  also, gave  eve of  the inauguration  fest a strong encouragement and an inspiration for 2016-2017 new Committee.They are  following ;  lion Rahman Babul , Lion Sree Roy , Lion Abdur Rafique , Lion  Saiful Islam ,  And lion Mamoon Mustafa .

      In fact,  the Lions club always shows friendship, it contributes  society and helps  charity . At the end , the  program ended  with serving delicious  dinner at mid night   in pledging to implement  future  lions club’s agenda. Continue reading “Bangladesh American Lions Club of Atlantic City celebrates an Inauguration ceremony of the 2016-2017 new Committee at St. Joseph Resort Hotel, West Atlantic City,New Jersey”

Is the 45th American’s president “for the people”?

Is the 45th American’s president  “for the people”?

By Saeed Duha

Editor, The  Kak Atlantic 

“Government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the Earth” by The great president Abraham Lincoln mentioned.

We are by the people ,of the people or for people “  but did any of candidate  prove it in 2016 Election  yet? ,they are for all American’s  President? None,but before  eve of the Election day, Ms. Hilary gave  a overwhelming Speech after FBI released that she is not worthy of email allegation . By contrast, Trump from the beginning ,he stood for against all minorities people ,immigrants ,Hispanic and Muslim ,even talking against women . He did not raise his voice  as a candidate of  inclusive all of Americans. People mostly care about  its land,  safety , jobs, equality  ,all commitment for hope , rather  than Mr. Trump apparently  shown   divisiveness among   America communities.

vise- a- Versa , Did Hilary open her arms for all American ?  At the beginning , not  ! She did not  show generous  as well , until final decision has been declared by FBI director  James B. Comey on Nov.6 ,2016 . The example of her division is that she  mentioned  that, who are supporters  of  Mr.Trump are “Deplorable ”   link : She differentiated American as well   It was a  hotcake for  Trump  campaign issue .But as a American president candidate, it has  hardly ever  found in history of American   Election  as well as  differentiation among  diverse American Communities .In comparing  to Trump, Ms. Hilary has  divided as similar as a drop of water in the sea. In spite of that,  they could sand for every American’s  will,  prosperity and advancement and future  of American’s  children . American firmly believes that even,  the rest of  world’s   keep staring at the American’s president Election  and Leadership due to,  it  is a  merely  not for a President of USA . Crucially , a person , a mentor or  a president of global safety ,power and Icon of the world’s progress , is not it?

In addition ,  very Recently, predecessor the  President (whoever comes next ) Barack Obama  mentioned  about Trump “unfit” in  his Speech, and  he also spoke about his tweeting skill.

“Apparently his campaign has taken away his Twitter,” Obama scoffed, issuing an attack line on Donald Trump that would barely have made sense during his first stop there eight years earlier. “They had so little confidence in his self-control they said we’re just going to take away your Twitter. If somebody can’t handle a Twitter account, they can’t handle the nuclear codes. President Obama ,”Source CNN.

There is one graphic shows a comparison of   between two candidates tweeting skills ,


( Photo Credit Vox News )

On the other hand, Republican supporter wanted  to show a sign In Nevada really with a poster that he wanted to say , ” Republican against Trump”, Because  he  mentioned , ” He  fascist, dictator ” Republican Supporter Complains  as a matter of fact, Trump divided  American’s people  intensely and heinously.

Finally both of the candidates , They expressed their last pitch about how will they pass the First 100 days in white House , They mentioned clear vision,mission  and their agenda .

Clinton : (Credit and source NBC News)

The Democratic nominee calls her 100-Days Jobs Plan “the boldest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II.” According to her campaign, the plan will:

  • Invest in infrastructure and manufacturing, research and technology, clean energy and small businesses
  • Strengthen trade enforcement by rejecting the Trans Pacific Partnership
  • Make the U.S. “the clean energy superpower” of the world

Clinton has also pledged to make immigration reform one of the top priorities of her administration. At a MSNBC town hall during the primaries, Clinton told the audience that comprehensive immigration reform is one of the first priorities of her 100 days.

“I’m am going to introduce my priority legislation and this is at the top of that list,” Clinton said. “And then I’m going to work as hard as I can to make sure that we get it moved through the congressional process.”

Trump : (Credit & source NBC News )

At the same rally, Trump said on his first day he will:

  • Announce the U.S. to renegotiate NAFTA, or withdraw from the trade deal
  • Announce the U.S. intention to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court
  • Cancel funding to “sanctuary cities”
  • Remove illegal immigrants and cancel visas to countries that refuse to take them back
  • Suspend immigration from “terror-prone” regions of the world
  • Propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress
  • Propose a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce the federal workforce (except military, public safety and public health)
  • Propose a new requirement that for every federal regulation imposed, two existing regulations will be eliminated
  • Propose a 5-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists
  • Propose a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying foreign governments
  • Propose a ban on foreign lobbyists raising money in American elections

 Now It is time to vote and exercise your voting  right. We are encouraging you ,do not miss voting ,please All Asian Muslims, Hindus or Christian beyond race ,religion,  go ahead and vote .

In the meantime  , Khizir khan Spoke for Ms. Hilary  & democratic party again , link is below. khizir Khan

  Vote and hear your voice.

It is  significant  moment for all of us , get out for voting and get heard your voice  because it is your president and it is your pride , This  is our land , we have to , serve & protect it , we are proud of this country .


where to Vote on November 8:

Texas Ave and Nevada Ave , California, Iowa, or Georgia  Ave,this  surrounding areas the  nearest pulling  Station is  Salvation Army  .  

other areas list are attached hereby. 

Salvation Army


Opens Nov 8 · 6 AM–8 PM


 So Head out for your votes . God bless America .

Durga Puja

img_8033The Hindu Community celebrates the biggest religious program “Durga Puja” with a festive look in Atlantic City.

By Shuvrotho Chowdhury, From Atlantic City, New Jersey.

 (Courtesy to The Kak Atlantic Staff Desk for Translating into English).

         The Hindu community celebrated the greatest, heartfelt religious festival Durga Puja on Oct.7, to Oct .11, On Friday to Tuesday, the biggest Puja took place at the Florida Ave in the Sri Sri Geeta Songo along with various programs  in  Atlantic City, New Jersey .

img_8138         The Atlantic city was delighted in gigantic party mood and Florida Ave was decorated with multi colored lights, festivities for Puja. The Shri Shri Gita Songo was overcrowded by men, women,youth ,adolescents and children,  especially  all were  worn the very  well-known Bengali traditional  fine dresses for example; sharees, Duties  and Pajamas . The American people were curious and stunned about the festival.

            Regardless to religious believes,the  Hindus, Americans, Muslims and Christines all  communities  gathered there and celebrated it  with songs, Prayers , also  by  distributing  blessing  Prosad among devotees .The aimed of the Puja was seeking of divine peace ,prosperity and welfare of human being .According to Hindu faith, “Goddess Durga emerged to the Earth from the heaven to establish peace, harmony by rooting out evil forces”.

                  In addition, the Puran mentioned that ‘When the Oshur Doctrine was furious and Human being was passing a great crisis, that time the Sri Ramchondho came to the earth for the welfare of human being”.The program was organized by Atlantic City Shri Shri Gita Songo and the President Mr.Biblob Boron  Dhas and the  Secretary Mr. Biplob Day , both of them  conveyed their Greetings to all,including  the Bangladeshi emigrants Community here and Bangladesh  on the Eve of the Bijoy  Moha Dashami . Above all, It was an overwhelming pleasant moment for all Hindus Community in Atlantic City,The  State of New Jersey.

New Jersey BNP mourns for Brig. general (retd) ASM Hannan Shah in Atlantic City .


New Jersey BNP mourns for Brig. general (retd) ASM Hannan Shah  in Atlantic City .

By Staff Writer,  The Kak Atlantic, NJ ,USA .

                       New Jersey BNP Prays and mourns for  Late Brig. general (retd) ASM Hannan Shah at Mr. Steak Restaurant on Tuesday on the Sept. 29, in 2016, in Atlantic City . The New Jersey Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP) all Leaders and activists gathered  at Atlantic Avenue in Mr. Steak  for  praying the late leader Hannan Shah  who passed away at 74 , for cardiovascular disease in Singapore.

                     The Chief guest Was Adv. Md Sanaullah Miah Ex. Bar Association’s  Secretary of Bangladesh Supreme Court  and the dedicated lawyer of BNP and he  has traveled  in USA for his treatment . By Invitation  of New Jersey BNP , he came to meet with NJ  BNP leaders , Supporters in Atlantic City . The program was presided over by Mr. Mohammad Ali , the Vice president of Atlantic City BNP , in spite of having bad weather the estimated people were 25, on the  Program   . The most of BNP leaders delivered their speeches and urged for Democracy and justice in the Bangladesh.

                      The speakers were Mr. Kazi Liton  and Md. Ferdous Islam and Obadulla Chowdhury and so on . At the end , the Chief Guest Adv. Sanaullah Miah , Delivered his Speech and he  mourned for their  late leader Mr.Hannan Shah and he expressed his empathy for  all political victims leaders and activists of BNP in Bangladesh because  a numerous people  of Bangladesh are politically harassed, accused and imprisoned  in jail by false Allegation , among them Majority are BNP’s members and supporters  .

                   The ruling party the Bangladesh  Awami League  Intentionally  filed false cases against innocent party’s members ,also, More than 25,000 cases have been charged against opposition party’s leaders and Members . However , a number of BNP activists still took asylum in United States ,I talked to them in different states,   Said  Adv. Sanaullah Mia . Furthermore , He urged all members to expose Bangladesh’s current  the heinous condition, oppression and torture to  News and to the United Nations and   even whole America and every dedicated member should work for  the   Party as they are working .

Mr.Steak Restaurent

  The Kak Atlantic Report talked to Mr. Sanaullah Mia ” The founder of BNP was President Ziaur Rahman and we keep working for Democracy and people and the illegal Awami League must step down , said Sana Ullah , ” The foreign BNP’s  activists and leaders must work and help party strongly from their position  , Obviously, as much ruling government tortures on  leaders & activists, they will be along  with BNP “, said the BNP Adv.Sanaulla Mia . In the Meantime, South Jersey BNP honored Mr. Sana ullah Mia as a dedicated leader , lawyer  with Crest. However,  the president and others South Jersey BNP leaders handed over a honored Crest to distinguished guest Advocate Mr. Sanaullah Mia . See the Video Interview  with Our Correspondent here Adv. Sanaullah

                     The others leaders  who adorned the program  in their present , they are Mr . Suhel Ahmed , New Jersey  State BNP Secretary Rahman Babul , Organizing Secretary Mr. Sakhawat Hussain, M. Amin  Mr. Sikdar and Mr. Nanu  along with others 25 Members  in the meeting.  Finally , Mawlana Tanzim prayed for Late Standing Committee  Member of BNP Bgr. Hannan Shah . The program ended with a dinner  at Mr . Streak Restaurant at 10:30 P.M.

Bangladesh celebrates Giant Cultural Fair in AC

Bangladeshi Community  introduces Giant cultural Fair in Atlantic City.

          By Saeed Duha 



Bangladesh Association of South Jersey ( BASJ) inspires stars students’ with awards ,certificates and celebrates it with typical  foods , cultural program at Sandcastle Stadium on Tuesday the Aug. 2,  2016 at Atlantic City, NJ  in present of 8,000 people .

It’s called Mela (fair) they have been celebrating this festival in Sandcastle Stadium  for seven years. There were estimated 8,000 People are gathered in event , including  students and family members , the purpose  of Fair to inspire, introduces young generation own food and cultures at Albany  Ave  in vast  stadium ground in Atlantic City

People started to gather at 5.p.m  in   the Sandcastle Stadium with their school’s  kids , college  going students and  accompanied by family members to accept their children’s accomplishment  . Moreover, to enjoy food ,cultural’ s program  all Bangladeshi  Residence of  the Atlantic City, the Mays landing ,and  the Egg Harbor township  steeped in festival .

Photograph by KakAtlantic

At the beginning,  the Organizer started to announce program’s Scheduled at 5.P.m ,They declared the list of stars students’ names and call upon them on the stage and  made a  straight line for giving prizes from honorable guest Don Guardian , The mayor of Atlantic City , The Consul General of Bangladesh Mr. Shamim Ahsan  from New York , Atlantic City all Council men and few city  of hall Representative  and the President of (BASJ) Md. Zohirul Islam Babul  and others Members of Associations were present in program.Students are excited with Awards

The Stadium ground was occupied by 20 stores ,  many of them are Ornaments   Clothing stalls and there were also  plenty of food’s venders .

At   the end of Prize distribution  The Kak Atlantic Reporter talked to the guests ,

“The craft and the clothes are selling in this fair it’s really importable its expose our tradition ” said Mr.Shamim Ahsan on his speech the Council General  of Bangladesh in New York .

After delivering efficient speech , Reporter also spoke with distinguished guest  the head of the Country .

” I am truly  honored to be a mayor of the  City ,coming and joining  with the Bangladeshi Community , especially (their) foods , cultures and customs will be a part of Atlantic City ”  Said The Mayor Don Guardian of Atlantic City . Don Gurdian , Atlantic City Mayor

The Senior  man and women are busy in shopping their traditional dresses and kids are making noise with toys , they were blowing whistle  loudly and  blowing bubble in the air . Their  ecstasy touches the sky  and the atmosphere  was clean In particularly, the day was amazing for outside Event  . The SandsCastle stadium yard was overcrowded by people .

After students award program, The kak Atlantic Repoter  talked few of the honored students ,

“This award makes me feel really good , I am very proud of myself , it motivates me to try harder in future , said Aliha Sitter an award winner School girl .Aliha sitter, A school star awarded student



This Bangladeshi  Giant fair (Mela ) was full of pleasant, many  Singers were  singing their unique songs and few of them were dancing with songs . Community People  brought here  from  others communities  as well , like Pakistani , Indian , Vietnamese , Chinese and America , All of them were eating delicious foods and talking in group and walking around the fair.


Photograph by KakAtlantic

The  Stadium ground looks like a little Bangladesh  , said Sobur a visitor of Fair .

“We have been organizing the event  for last 7 years , the purpose of this event is Family gathering , introduce our culture  young generation and  encourage our young generation  to get better grade ” said  the President Md.Zohirul Islam Babul , The Bangladeshi Association of South Jersey .Md.Z. Islam President of Bangladesh Association of South Jersey

At corner  kids, girls are on long Line for getting ices cream ,it apparently shown that people converged here beyond color race or region.

“ It’s absolutely amazing because it motivates young generation , this is exactly they need it , (the Advise for other), ” Never give up , said Md . Fatiha a Medical  student of this Festival  and he got star student’s a Certificate and an Award.  “ Md . Fatiha a Medical awarded Student in Fair

In response of question another student says,

It’s a great program , this way we recognize our community , the message for community student , Listen your parent , you can get as many as friends , but listen parent ,  they are always backed up for you , said a Rutgers   University Freshmen .

sharir a Rutgers University Freshman

A number of visitors were browsing the whole Fair  and walking all around the huge field.  I tasted few typical food Singara and Shomosha and talked to owner

” We sell and  profit enough in this Fair ,  almost all gone ” said a Food  Store  owner Murad’s Mother.

Photograph by KakAtlantic

The festival  was going on with songs and dance ,young boys were also performing on stage  with the songs. In contrast  the female singer was trying to engage all audience  , the sounds was blowing away stress   and recapping the memory  people’s feeling into every body mind  .

The program was continued until midnight.Students performance 1Student performance 2

At the end ,  they introduced  an  attractive Riffle Draw  ,People bought three tickets $10.0 . Next, couple of little babies picked up the lucky winners  names . In the meantime, the  Presenter announced  the winners names and  distributed prizes to the winner an exciting Riffle Draw has been given a lot  fun and they  handed over Prizes  to lucky winners. The first prize 57 ” TV winner was Mr. Tanvir and   Second Prize  (Round trip Air ticket DHK-NY ) lucky  winner was  Md . Ali ,  both of them were so  happy with  the Prizes. They ended program at 12.Mid night .

“It was a great effort , a  team work along with all  members and  the Community supported a lot we have succeeded our program  everybody efforts  praise worthy  ,We are grateful to  our beloved community”, said the program Organize , Shamim Chowdhury and Rahman Babul.

See the other video : 

Eid Mela.

Eid Mela takes place in Bangladesh Community Center .

                                 By The Kak Atlantic Staff Reporter.

            Bangladesh Associations of South Jersey and Bangladesh Community Center with allied  Organized ” the Eid Mela (fair) on Thursday Sept 8,2016, at 2709 Fairmount Ave , Bangladesh Community Centre ,in  Atlantic City , NJ.
Photograph by Kakatlantic
           A number of dresses and Ornaments stalls  are placed in Community center . People came in sparingly because a shop owner she  said ” They might have not advertised good enough “.
The Kak Atlantic Reporter talked to the President of the Community Center , Md. zahirul   Islam Babul ,  ” The purpose of this Mela is  merely give Bangladeshi Community an option to buy staff here , gather in center at the eve of  Eidul Adha , Even though last years , we kept it for two days , but This year is only one day .he said”
Photograph by Kakatlantic
          “I bought few toys and a  Panjani for Eid festival ” said , Tashfi  seven years school boy and  an excited  visitor of the Eid Mela .
People  Came  in the fair from the  different places , most of them are the nearest streets  Taxes, Nevada and the California Ave . The Visitors are happy in Eid Mela and they  said , there  were many stores and but they did not  give a food stall , they missed  delicious Singara and Somosa  a lot .
          The Mela ended at 11 P.M  “At least people saved few dollar,  instead of going  to New York  ” ,  said Shakawat  an organizer of the Eid Mela.

Sylheti Picnic

Sylheti Community enjoyed a picnic in Lenape park   .

Jalalabad Association of South Jersey enjoyed a Picnic in Lenape Park, 753 Park Rd on Tuesday the Aug 30,2016. Sylheti people celebrated it with typical foods , games and  they distributed valuable prizes among contestants .The picnic opted a Riffle Draw for  all visitors as well.6

The Kak Atlantic Reporter talked to the convener of  this program ,Mr . Hafizur Rahman , he mentioned that “the purpose of the Picnic to introduce , to aspire young generation with Community’s cultures , foods and especially it’s a great opportunity  for young and adult to converge a place as
they hang out a quality of time with us  because we hardly get time in  our the busiest  life “. The park was crowded by  approximately 250 people  and all activities  are run  in orderly and smoothly .
A Chinese student who was a guest of a Sylheti  students’ s (friend ) she answered a question about picnic to the Reporter  ” I love the most is the food and the people are amazing “


The Picnic  Authority  planned  the Festival in several segments  for entire day .
They  divided  their  whole day into different events  for examples ; a couple of games for kids , adults , men and women . In contrast , the most exciting sports were Pillow passing for women and   teens .
Moreover ,the noticeable , remarkable and praise worthy  contest was married Vs unmarried (boys ) soccer game . During that game , Every body enjoyed this game by sitting surrounding the galleries in the  green field and  they applauded , supported the  players with claps and shouts .
At 6 clock , the Sylheti Community distributed prizes  in  the events among the winners .
Next , they did a Riffle draw  intriguing a lot of  attractive prizes like TV , Laptop and so on .

At the end , the Picnic  finished with Riffle draw  and  the Presenter announced the lucky person’ s names consequently and  the Organizer handed over the prizes  to the winner simultaneously .
The first prize  57 ” LG  TV  winner was Mr. fokhruzaman and the second prize laptop winner was girl Ms. Jasmine , both of them were so excited,stunned  with prizes , The 1st gift  winner Fokhruzaman said with smiling face  ” I am the second times winner of this prize” .
In fact , it was  a terrific program with games , funs and presents Accomplishing. All of  young boys and girls were overwhelmed by gathering surrounding in water , the green nature  and landscapes with friends and families .

The Kakatlantic  Representative  spoke with Mr. Sohel Ahmed who is one of the influential  Diligent organizer of this Picnic ,  he emphasized that ” this Picnic has been successful  with a  great team efforts , a numbers of people worked for this ,  the Committee members are following :The convener Mr. Hafizur Rahaman , Treasurer  Mr. Tafi Islam , Chief of the Members Mr. Abdul Hakim , along with others members ; Abdul Hamid , Akhlakur Rahman , Shafik Islam , Saiful Sohel , Siraj Uddin , Sayed Ramim, Fokhruzzaman, and Md. Shujel Ahmed