Jalalabad Association of South Jersey’s Organizes a huge Iftar Mahfil 12 April on Wednesday, 2023 in Al- Hera Mosque in Atlantic City, NJ

2 min Reading by Citizen Journalism

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Jalalabad Association of South Jersey organized huge Iftar Mahfil in Alhera Mosque on 12 April, 2023. There are almost seven hundred people were breaking with name of Allah. It was most precious time for Muslim community it was the time of Magfirath (Forgiveness )

on behalf of Jalalabad Association president Amirul Islam tofi thanked every body for coming and enjoying Iftar together. He also requested to pray for two sickl people Jinun Chowdhury and Ruhul Chowdhury. Besides that Abusaeed(#Saeed for council ) Atlantic 4th ward council said to the Iftar Mahfil

” I urged and requested every body to support and vote for him and decide this holy month to vote right people, He also ask Allah for accepting Iftar”.

As a guest, community all leaders were presents there specially, Zohirul Islam Babul president of Bangladesh Association of South Jersey, and Shahid Khan president of Bangladesh Association of Atlantic county. president Obaidul Chowdhury Al – Hera Mosque others leaders of differents organizations; particularly thanks Bob and Dona on behalf of local 54 for attending this holy event .

Finally ,Imam Azim Uddin finish Iftar and pray to almighty for forgiveness and best rewards. After Iftar dinner also provided to participants.

Ramim’s Farmers Insurence Agency Launches on October 19 at Egg Harbor Township

Ramim’s Insurence was Inaugurated on 19 October in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey.

By Staff Reporter.

Ramin’s Agency Inauguration Event on 19 Oct 2022

Syed Ramim, the insurance agency owner, said, I have started the journey with five officers-employees to provide all insurance benefits, including auto, house, flood, fire, and life insurance. Syed Ramim also said Agency is determined to provide maximum benefits for Bangladeshi insurers, including 24/7  customer service.

On behalf community, the following people were present Mr. Zahirul Islam Babul, Riaz Rajput, Syed Md Kaisar, Azizul Islam Ferdous, Zakirul Islam Khoka, and Sohel Ahmed others were present as guests to encourage his business efforts.

Send your report To Community Journalism Portal: click https://forms.gle/5goEptaEpRC3L98X8m:

BNP of New Jersey State (South) celebrates the President Ziur Rahman’s the 83rd Birthday on January 23, 2019, at Gourmet Restaurant in Atlantic City.

BNP of New Jersey State (South) celebrated the President Ziur Rahman the 83rd Birthday on January 23, 2019,  Gourmet Restaurant in Atlantic City.

By the Kak Atlantic News Desk, January 25, 2019

The program was presided over by Mr.Sayed Kaiser & presented by M Rahman Babul. In the meeting, everybody reiterated the excellency of President Ziur Rahman’s credit for his multi parties democracy initiative and his great contributions for Bangladesh. He was the liberation war frontier leader and an Independent Bangladesh Announcer.  A number of participants, members were participated and delivered their speeches among them: the BNP leader Mr.Salim, Mairaj Khan, Humayun Kabir Rana, Mohammad Didar, Golam Kibriya, Mohamad Fuhad Hasan, Besides them, New Jersey State Jobodol Secretary Mr. Mohammad Akash was in the meeting too.  In addition,


kaisar vai bnp
BNP of New Jersey state (South ) Members & leaders In Praying for President Ziaur Rahman 

The Duya was been performed for president soul it was done by Mohammad Yasmin. 

Although it was bad weather day, a  number of participants gathered in this Program. As a result, Mr. Sayed Kausar thanks and expressed gratitude everybody for their active participation  & Speakers expressed their grief in their speeches because of this circumstance in Bangladesh only deserves a leader like President  Ziaur Rahman..

At the end by serving the dinner, the program was finished.

Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country Arranges Consulate Service at Atlantic City

Old Bangladeshi American Citizen Having Consulate Service in AC

Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country organizes consulate service at Mr. Steak Restaurent on 27 November 2018

By The Kak Atlantic  News Desk, Mr. Saeed Duha 28 November 2018

The commonality people crowd were noticeable and every one was happy and satisfied with this service home city.

We talked to Ms.Ayesha Hague Consoler she spoke and nodded her satisfaction for organizer’s facility and supportive effort, she said.

On the other hand, Md Shamim Hussain assistance secretary was kept walking and asking people’s needs any inquired around the different tables & it’s noticeable.

Beneficiaries of Consulate Service In Mr. Streak 

Following community Representative of  Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country members worked very hard for making its successful logistic support for Bangladeshi immigrants community enthusiastic service.

Following personnel joined to serve consulate service, Ms.Ayesha Haq, Counsellor, Md Shamim Hussain, first secretary, Anwarul Haque, office assistance, Mohammad Faisal, Admin officer, Mostak Hussain, Saiful Islam, admin officer, The Organizer community members who supported relentlessly for this consulate arrangement they are  :

President Shahid Khan. Secretary Sohel Ahmed, Salim sultan ex-president, Amirul Islam Tofi, Abdul Jamil, joy onto Sing, Sheik Salim, Biplob dash and Subrata Chowdhury they were always diligent and stood by the event successful.

Administrative Officer of Bangladesh Consulate  at Mr. Steak in  AC

However, people came here to have service all around the Atlantic Country, but few of new US Bangladeshi American citizen did get no visa  due to Bangladesh government unknown issue, the  consulate representative  mentioned  that this in their technical problem as a result, few of them had to go empty page and no seal on the passport, it has raised questions to the community .

In fact, the Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country Consulate service made people journey to New York easier and savvy.

AC Bangladeshi  Community is thankful for this initiative and keeps looking forward getting more services.

Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Enjoys Music Night in Bangladesh Association Building, at Fair Mount Ave, Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Bangladesh Association of South Jersey organized the music night on October 30, 2018, at Fair-mount Ave, in Atlantic City.

By  The Kak Atlantic Staff Reporter, November 1, 2018


At the very beginning, the famous singer Mr.Shantonur Voulik sang the song for the tribute of the famous  Bangladeshi singer,& the Guitar Guru Mr. Ayub Bachu’s song along with a number of songs from notable singer Hemonto; there were a few lyrics-  Dip chilo shikha chilo ….  Kofi Houser Adda to Aj ar Nai….and so on. The music night gave a great fun for the first time in the Bangladeshi community in a cold atmosphere.

Singer  Shantunur Voumuk on Stage 

Besides, singer Shantunur Voumik, another local singer Mr. Mustafa also sang and played a  few songs and shook up viewers’ hearts immediately with music and melody pulled all of us its own cultural nostalgia for a while.

In the music event, Farook Hussain a candidate for the School board announced his candidacy and asked for the vote to elect him as a school board member. After that, the president of the Bangladesh Association of South Jersey Mr. Zohirul Islam Babul also spoke and urged for helping an Association. In addition, Mr. Abdul Mozumder spoke about graveyard (Koboroshan) this committee initiated a project for the community’s graveyard and asked for the donation & participation.

Viewers in Music Night

Despite having the cold night, the crowd was satisfiable and all of them went home with a full of joy, love by listening to songs, plus deep inner relaxation. All Viewers always demand this sort of entertainment on behalf Bangladesh Association of South Jersey.


Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City

 “Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“. Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a … Continue reading “Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City”

 Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“.

Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City

At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a Bouquet of flowers. The few members and leaders of  the BNP south spoke on the seminar including HM Reza, Gias Uddin Pathan, Didarul Islam , Mosaddik Mawla,  Mohammad Ali, Abdul Monsur Atta, Mr. Arik, Babul , all of the speakers expressed their sorrow for the absence of democracy, human rights and freedom of movement in Bangladesh . they mentioned “Ilegal ruling  government in this circumstance, we need another freedom fight to bring back our the golden democracy,  other mentioned “the ten years of Awami League poor governance, torture it’s now ending time” it was  mentioned by the  Atlantic City devoted BNP leader Mr. Muhammad Ali, BNP3

During the discussion they emphasis Sheikh Hasina the UN 73th General Assembly meeting who is coming along with a number of activists to New York, BNP activists and leaders strongly urged to protest, stop her and show the world the Awami League torture and poor Governance, human rights violence is worthless for the country.

Among the others guests  speakers were following:  The Chief guest was: Dr.  Sowkat Ali economist, educator, he delivered his attractive  speech for the BNP, USA and  Atlantic City activists, Special guest- was the famous   singer Baby Naznin, Convener: Mr.Sayed Mohammad Kaiser, he deliberately raised his voice that “we must want the democracy, human rights and fair election for all Bangladeshi peoples it’s our immigrants demand” .

Besides this,  others leaders of BNP south delivered their speeches, they were  the US BNP  Secretary Mr.Kamal Pasha, Mr. Babul & Ex Khaleda Zia’s APS & Mr.Tarek  Zia Press Secretary: Mr.Ashik Islam also spoke to the seminar and asked the immigrants communities to the entire US to support Bangladesh BNP activists, leaders In Bangladesh and step down the Awamwlague ruling from the power immediately. Furthermore, the leaders of their states were present and spoke along with others, they are; Ex-student leader: Shah Farid, Pennsylvania BNP, Mr.Rahman Babul who presented the entire programs with different quotes.BNP AC

After discussion they served dinner and pleadged to march to New York for showing the world  Prime Minister Hasina is violating human rights, robbing money and people suffering in injustice and the poor democracy crisis destroying Bangladesh, BNP always fights for the people, democracy and good the democracy.


Empowered Youth Brings a Pride for Atlantic City – Community fromthe United Nations the 67th Youth Conference on August 22, in 2018

“Empower Youth Empower Future ”
Youth Leadership Initiative Atlantic City

“Empower Youth- Empower Future” 2018

Students  joined   the  67th  UN DPI 

Conference on August 22, in 2018 

IMG_4500 (1)
Youth Leaders at  United Nations

IMG_4510 (2)
Youth Stands For Human Rights

Empower Youth Empower Future” students joined the UN DPI 67th conference on August 22, in 2018. Now they are a part the Youth Declaration for SDGs in 2018 which has been declared by Roundtable Meeting and Workshop on August, 22 & 23, in New York, United Nations  Headquarters by 67th Conference. Click Link :

Youngest Spoke UN Conference :

Youth Interact with Expertise Fahiya

Following students participated on the behalf of the Atlantic  City by the rigorous selecting process, its called Talent Hunt ” Empower Youth Empower Future” 18.  Moreover, 8 students have represented our talented youth to the global prestigious platform to the United Nations.

On the other hand, they joined a number of Youth Workshops and Roundtable meetings with diverse gathering there were more than 100 countries representatives, expertise.   Additionally, They shared their ideas and views on climate change, poverty, education, multilateralism, particularly Youth leadership.   Thus, the expertise, scholars from the different panel did they not only compliment their opinions but also praised their new idea and envision.

AC Students UN Conference

However, the Students are guided by two interns Ms.Laura Santos, Ms.Suravi Islam & Saeed M Duha the Editor of The kak Atlantic. It’s notable that the Last 11 June in 2018 they Selected 10 talented students among 30 inclined, proud participants lists through in open selecting process which it has been taking place last for two years.

Finally, the best 6 of them joined and talked about the following issue on 22 August, the global platform United Nations  Headquarters. The theme was: “We the peoples: Find Global problems Global solutions“.The chair of the Conference was Ms. Winnie Byanyima Whois Executive Director of Oxfam International NGO and Another special guest was Ms. Jackie Biskupski, Mayor of Salt City, Utah, the USA  has invited  to all the next conference   in  the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City is hosting this event, It’s the first time out of United Nations a conference taking place in the United States.

The kak Atlantic, vision with the empower youth program that half of the world’s 7.6  billion people are under the age of 30. Therefore it’s time to engage the youth folks on the global issue and find a solution by youth brainstorming because their solution is sustainable for everybody and future.

However, the UN authority and media were very impressed with our brilliants , youngest students opinions, innovations  which they shared their media an   exclusive points on the education has been rose by Sakif Islam, Fahiya Ahmed, besides that others topics are the health, the human rights and climate change and poverty and Youth leadership  a tweeter and videos on UN Sides:    :  IMG_4604

Our  brightest Students are

1. Inzamamul Haque: Human Right 

2. Mardiha Ahmed : Youth – Today leaders

3. Purvi Islam : Topic: Youth -Today Leaders

5. Sayed Mahi Sharear Topic: Climate change & Prosperity: His summary- Article of  his own experience:

6. Fahiya Ahmed Mahi: Topic : Multilateralism 

7.Sakif  Islam Topic: Education is  Human rights for all:

Laura Santos and Suravi the Kak Atlantic interns also joined the conference for helping, preparing and drafting Attain-tees students and particularly guiding them properly.

Moreover, The SDG expert of Soul Sustainable Progress ( SSP) Kristine talked and took pictures with our representatives and she praises their all efforts. 

IMG_4537 (1)
Students, Guardian & SSP SDGs Expert Kristine

With the name of The Empower Youth –  Empower Future programs ( Leadership) was organizing since 2017  The Kak Atlantic Online Newspaper with the partner  the United Nations’ Migration & Refugee Organisation  the “Soul Sustainable Progress” (SSP), 

Finally, our community youth – leadership brought a great pride for all community members and parents, guardians regarding this  AC community is so excited about this event and they desire to continue it.

This Leadership program organizer the Kak Atlantic Editor Mr. Saeed said,  “We would like to elevate our community’s youth-leadership in the global level, as a result, they will absolutely contribute their community,  forge global local problem and find the global problems effective, sustainable solution an innovative and impactful way “

Hope next Program we can accommodate more students in inclusion with guardians to the global foundation United nations.

Thanks, students, all well-wishers, and guardians for coming forward and supporting this initiative for the betterment of World.

Registered for Next Year 2019  Fill Out This Form Please

AC Youth Leadership to The United Nations Augst 22, in 2018

“Empower Youth- Empower Future” 2018 Students  joined   the  67th  UN DPI Conference on August 22, in 2018

IMG_4500 (1)
Youth Leaders at  United Nations

IMG_4510 (2)
Youth Stands For Human Rights

Empower Youth Empower Future” students joined the UN DPI 67th conference on August 22, in 2018. Now they are a part the Youth Declaration for SDGs in 2018 which has been declared by Roundtable Meeting and Workshop on August, 22 & 23, in New York, United Nations  Headquarters by 67th Conference. Click Link :

YoungeStudent Spoke to UN Conference :

Youth Interact with Expertise Fahiya

Following students participated on the behalf of the Atlantic  City by the rigorous selecting process, its called Talent Hunt ” Empower Youth Empower Future” 18.  Moreover, 8 students have represented our talented youth to the global prestigious platform to the United Nations.

On the other hand, they joined a number of Youth Workshops and Roundtable meetings with diverse gathering there were more than 100 countries representatives, expertise.   Additionally, They shared their ideas and views on climate change, poverty, education, multilateralism, particularly Youth leadership.   Thus, the expertise, scholars from the different panel did they not only compliment their opinions but also praised their new idea and envision.

AC Students UN Conference

However, the Students are guided by two interns Ms.Laura Santos, Ms.Suravi Islam & Saeed M Duha the Editor of The kak Atlantic. It’s notable that the Last 11 June in 2018 they Selected 10 talented students among 30 inclined, proud participants lists through in open selecting process which it has been taking place last for two years.

Finally, the best 6 of them joined and talked about the following issue on 22 August, the global platform United Nations  Headquarters. The theme was: “We the peoples: Find Global problems Global solutions“.The chair of the Conference was Ms. Winnie Byanyima Whois Executive Director of Oxfam International NGO and Another special guest was Ms. Jackie Biskupski, Mayor of Salt City, Utah, the USA  has invited  to all the next conference   in  the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City is hosting this event, It’s the first time out of United Nations a conference taking place in the United States.

The kak Atlantic, vision with the empower youth program that half of the world’s 7.6  billion people are under the age of 30. Therefore it’s time to engage the youth folks on the global issue and find a solution by youth brainstorming because their solution is sustainable for everybody and future.

However, the UN authority and media were very impressed with our brilliants , youngest students opinions, innovations  which they shared their media an   exclusive points on the education has been rose by Sakif Islam, Fahiya Ahmed, besides that others topics are the health, the human rights and climate change and poverty and Youth leadership  a tweeter and videos on UN Sides:    :  IMG_4604

Our  brightest Students are

1. Inzamamul Haque: Human Right 

2. Mardiha Ahmed : Youth – Today leaders

3. Purvi Islam : Topic: Youth -Today Leaders

5. Sayed Mahi Sharear Topic: Climate change & Prosperity: His summary- Article of  his own experience:

6. Fahiya Ahmed Mahi: Topic: Multilateralism 

7.Sakif  Islam Topic: Education is  Human rights for all:

Laura Santos and Suravi the Kak Atlantic interns also joined the conference for helping, preparing and drafting Attain-tees students and particularly guiding them properly.

Moreover, The SDG expert of Soul Sustainable Progress ( SSP) Kristine talked and took pictures with our representatives and she praises their all efforts. 

IMG_4537 (1)
Students, Guardian & SSP SDGs Expert Kristine

With the name of The Empower Youth –  Empower Future programs ( Leadership) was organizing since 2017  The Kak Atlantic Online Newspaper with the partner  the United Nations’ Migration & Refugee Organisation  the “Soul Sustainable Progress” (SSP), 

Finally, our community youth – leadership brought a great pride for all community members and parents, guardians regarding this  AC community is so excited about this event and they desire to continue it.

This Leadership program organizer the Kak Atlantic Editor Mr. Saeed said,  “We would like to elevate our community’s youth-leadership in the global level, as a result, they will absolutely contribute their community,  forge global local problem and find the global problems effective, sustainable solution an innovative and impactful way “

Hope next Program we can accommodate more students in inclusion with guardians to the global foundation United nations.

Thanks, students, all well-wishers, and guardians for coming forward and supporting this initiative for the betterment of World.

Registered for Next Year 2019  Fill Out This Form Please

Bangla Boishak Celebrates at AC on 18 April on Tuesday in 2017 At Fairmount Ave in Bangladesh Community Centre.


Bangladesh Association of South Jersey organizes and Celebrates Boishakh 1428 Bangla with songs at Atlantic City on 18 April, in 2017 at Fairmont Ave in Bangladesh Community Centre. 


By The Kak Atlantic Staff Report , April 19, 2017

At the very beginning presenter Mr. Rahman Babul started to program with the Boishaki song , it was sung by local singer Mr. Mustafa, After that, Kids shown a Shuvo Nobo Borsho placards  and the inauguration speech delivered by Mr.Zohirul Islam Babul the President of Bangladesh Association  and others community Leaders delivered their speeches among them are Mr. Abdur Rafique Mr.Gias Uddin Mr.mohammod Siraj  Mr.Sha Noor Nanna Mr.Mojimder Mr.Nasir Uddin shaikh Mr. Golam Mustafa and Mojumder also spoke  by inviting all community members to come and join here beyond any political views or partition, after that Mr. Mustafa sang a famous patriotic songs as well. for example,

O mar Bangla Ma Tor …. was excellent

Another song was sung by a school boy. Finally, guest Singer Ms.Trishna Thithe sang several songs spontaneously and viewers lost themselves into songs, spectators danced and chorused with her with a great excitement. Next, after that They drawn a Ruffle draw and distributed prizes among the winners and at last along with trusty and other members took pictures and urged for Community Centre contribution and president Mr. Babul requested to support this place as holding the place of community gathering point.  Overall the program was fantastic by singer Trisha and she shook them up by her sweet songs.On the other hand, the Boishak lovers were busy with traditional shopping and some of them were enjoying Bengali typical food singer and samosa.

The program was successful with the endeavor of Mr. Rahman Babul, Kazi Liton, and Shakhawath Hussain and so on, After all, the community deserves this sort of program every year, it was amazing having a great fun in American busy life.