Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country Organizes & Shares its Income & Expenditure in Publicly about Bangladesh Mela October 23, in 2018, at Mr. Steak Restaurant in Atlantic City

Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country organized & shared its incomes and expenditure summary about Bangladesh Mela (fair)on Tuesday on October 23, 2018, Mr. Steak Restaurant in Atlantic City.

By The Kaka Atlantic Staff Reporter, Friday, October 26, 2018

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In the beginning, the meeting, Mr. Sohel Ahmed started the program by giving thanks for supporting the Bangladesh Fair with all of the member’s hard work and efforts and the fair had been run successfully as a result, it was a remarkable fair in Atlantic City.

After that,  the meeting participants prayed for the committee member’s relatives especially Mr. Forhad Hussain’s and Mr. Shahid Khan’s mothers’ sickness and they wished their quick remedy and good health.

 Committee  Members  & Participants  in Meeting 

However, participants shared positive and negative sides of last Mela arrangements, following people explained their point of view and thrown couple recommendations on the table explicitly: they were Mr.Sheikh Salim, Ms.Rawshan Ara, Jayanta Saha, Mr.shimul  Mr.Jahan, and others also talked about their experiences to Strengthen its future event.

Besides that, others members also joined the meeting as they were the observers and for knowing, exchanging others point of views including the income and expenditure of the last fair.

From the committee personnel, the President: Shahid Khan presided over the meeting and the Secretary: Mr. Sohel Ahmed spoke and presented the notes of the meeting and the Treasurer: Mr. Aminul Islam Tofi shared the summary of the fair’s cost and earnings. It’s notable that The Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country showing its transparency regarding Bangladesh Mela which was held on August 1, 2018, it should be exemplary for all community organizations.

In the discussion in the meeting, members asked and pointed out to “the journalists to write responsibly for the showing of community’s activities and keep going forward, and definitely, the  Bangladesh  Association of Atlantic Country will keep their support for the journalists” said few of the speakers on the meeting. Others members were: Mr.Sabbir Ahmed,Ratan Bhattacharjee, Santino Sen, Abul Hussain, Abdul Zamil,Habibur Rahman, Ms.RawshanAra,Ferdous Islam,Kanchan,Ahsan Habib,Samsul Islam Sahajan,Shaikh Salim, Abdur Rab,Sayed Kawsa, Biplob Dash, Sumon Mojumder,Abdul Hafiz, Sohag Karim, Biplob dev, Anzum Zia (Pakistan),Milton Chowdhury and so on.

However, Akbar Hussain, Mohammad Shahin, Subrata Chowdhury, Shimul including the Kak Atlantic representative all journalists were present that program.

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President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Committee members on stage the  of “Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country”  Meeting

Finally, Aminul Islam Tafi the Treasurer presented the total expenses and earnings, it was following Total income (was) :$22,000 Expenses :$11,325. In Future, they wish to provide more activities for the community and everyone demanded to arrange a permanent place for the Bangladesh Association of the Atlantic Country its own.

Finally, the program was ended by serving a dinner. In fact, the Bangladeshi Community looking forward to having more programs like the last country’s Mela and an inclusive program among the community organizations without dividing and blaming each other best luck for Bangladesh Association of Atlantic Country on behalf the kaka Atlantic.