BNP New Jersey State Supporters Group Celebrates the President Ziur Rahman’s 83rd Birthday on January 23, 2019, at Fairmount Ave, in Bangladesh Community Center, Atlantic City

By Kak Atlantic News Desk, January 25, 2019

BNP New State supporters Group celebrated the President Ziur Rahman 83rd  Birthday in Fairmount Ave, Bangladesh Community Center.

The meeting celebrated with a colorful Cake and prayed for the Khaleda Zia’s son Arafat Rahman  Koko. The Meeting was presided over by Mr.Ferdous Islam and presented by Amunul Islam Tofi, a  number of speakers, members  participated & delivered their speeches among them; they are  Mr. Mominul Hoque Mamun, Mr.Aminur Rahman, Shariar, Kazi Liton,  Shamim, kalam, Siraj, Maruf,  most of the speakers recalled their memory who saw Mr. President Ziur Rahman in their childhood, especially Sohel Ahmed, Kazi Liton, Tofi, and Azizul Islam Ferdous, they mentioned  their memory with Zaur Rahman, when the saw him face to face.

BNP Supporters Group President Ziaur Rahman’s  83rd Birthday Birthday Celebration Event 


 speakers mentioned “He was multi-parties democratization’s initiator and The SARC  dreamer and so on which proved his greatness, leadership.  Even though now the BNP is the victim of fake election drama and persecution and torture BNP’s members with government force support. In addition, All ensured in the meeting to help any member who has any problem in Bangladesh regarding a political opposition party issue, must come forward to support them.

Finally, the program was finished with the speech of the main speaker Sohel Ahmed, the program president finished the meeting with his inspiring speech.

They cut the cake and ate pizza,  with huge participants they made the program successful even though it the cold night.

They also discuss to celebrate upcoming 21 February and 26 March program.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of New Jersey State Supporter Group Urges Fair Election in Bangladesh & Celebrates the Independent day at St. Joseph Resort 19 December, in 2018

By The Kak Atlantic, News Desk, 26 December 2018 

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)  of New Jersey State Supporter Group Organised  a Discussion and Cultural program for Celebrating an Independent day at St. Joseph Resort 19 December 2018, In Atlantic City



The program was presided over by the event President Mr. Aminur Rahman, Chief of a member was Ayob Babul, Nasir Uddin Shikder, Zohirul Islam Sintu, Sohel Ahmed Mohammed Ali, Amirul  Islam Tofi, Kazi Liton and so on.

At beginning of the Program started in reciting from the Holy Quran by Nizam Khan.

Likely, all participants Sang chorus the National Anthem of Bangladesh & the  United States, at end, the BNP party ‘s song also was played too.

A part of Participants in Program 

presenter Mr.Ayob called Mr. Aminul Islam Tofi to speak and he urged to vote BNP symbol the “Dhaner shish” all emigrants family has an important role in Bangladesh and help them by all means.

A number of speakers Spoke the program among them, Mr.Mominul Islam Mamun, he mentioned “people in Bangladesh did not get Freedom of speech,” Mr. Iqbal  Shakawath Hussain spoke as well, He mentioned “it’s an election campaign and 30th December election campaign  will be released of Begum Khaleda Zia from jail By the victory of BNP.

Other Speakers were Mr. Zahid,  and Mr.Sintu  said  ” there is not any chance for standing BNP in Bangladesh”

Mr. Shikder also said, “victory day it’s only the day for few people and the real joy is not enjoying other people”  Mr. Kazi Liton spoke about an arrangement of the program and declared best-drawing competition winners names: Group A: consequently first to third :Wasim, Abid, Raifa, Group B:Jawad Islam, Jihad, Adrita, Group C:Nina, Saad, and Abir.

Finally spoke Mr. Aminul Islam who was presiding the program, he mentioned that “Dictatorship will be banished by the election of 30th December,

Finally, Program was enjoyable with the song of Ruksana Mirza and Reciting poem by Mr. Aminul Islam and  Journalist Subrata Chowdhury.

They served a delicious dinner.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City

 “Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“. Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a … Continue reading “Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), New Jersey State, (South) Organises Seminar on the September 18,2018 in Atlantic City”

 Bangladesh Ruling Governments’ Autocracy, Neutral Election, and the US Emigrant’s Responsibility“.

Staff Reporter, The kak Atlantic, Atlantic City

At the beginning of the program was started by playing the national anthem of Bangladesh ” Amar Sonar Bangla  ….. After that a number of activists Mr. HM Didar, Md Reza, Ismail they honored invited guests with a Bouquet of flowers. The few members and leaders of  the BNP south spoke on the seminar including HM Reza, Gias Uddin Pathan, Didarul Islam , Mosaddik Mawla,  Mohammad Ali, Abdul Monsur Atta, Mr. Arik, Babul , all of the speakers expressed their sorrow for the absence of democracy, human rights and freedom of movement in Bangladesh . they mentioned “Ilegal ruling  government in this circumstance, we need another freedom fight to bring back our the golden democracy,  other mentioned “the ten years of Awami League poor governance, torture it’s now ending time” it was  mentioned by the  Atlantic City devoted BNP leader Mr. Muhammad Ali, BNP3

During the discussion they emphasis Sheikh Hasina the UN 73th General Assembly meeting who is coming along with a number of activists to New York, BNP activists and leaders strongly urged to protest, stop her and show the world the Awami League torture and poor Governance, human rights violence is worthless for the country.

Among the others guests  speakers were following:  The Chief guest was: Dr.  Sowkat Ali economist, educator, he delivered his attractive  speech for the BNP, USA and  Atlantic City activists, Special guest- was the famous   singer Baby Naznin, Convener: Mr.Sayed Mohammad Kaiser, he deliberately raised his voice that “we must want the democracy, human rights and fair election for all Bangladeshi peoples it’s our immigrants demand” .

Besides this,  others leaders of BNP south delivered their speeches, they were  the US BNP  Secretary Mr.Kamal Pasha, Mr. Babul & Ex Khaleda Zia’s APS & Mr.Tarek  Zia Press Secretary: Mr.Ashik Islam also spoke to the seminar and asked the immigrants communities to the entire US to support Bangladesh BNP activists, leaders In Bangladesh and step down the Awamwlague ruling from the power immediately. Furthermore, the leaders of their states were present and spoke along with others, they are; Ex-student leader: Shah Farid, Pennsylvania BNP, Mr.Rahman Babul who presented the entire programs with different quotes.BNP AC

After discussion they served dinner and pleadged to march to New York for showing the world  Prime Minister Hasina is violating human rights, robbing money and people suffering in injustice and the poor democracy crisis destroying Bangladesh, BNP always fights for the people, democracy and good the democracy.